Lots of travel, getting tattooed and buying art planned for this year. Going to be in London April 24th-28th, San Francisco May 28th-31st then planning a trip to Europe (probably Barcelona, Paris, Berlin) in the end of August. Hellz yeah!
Had the most soul crushing weekend ever. You ever hear some shit that you probably would have been better off never knowing? I'll never know for sure if it was true or not, but part of me died anyways. Gonna piece shit back together and start over next week.
I've had that happen, and it's a sucky feeling
just doing my best to forget about it and move on with my life.
been a crazy month, getting fucking manhandled by my clients at work, didn't even get a cost of living raise to top that off. broke up with my girl, even though I really loved her. freezing my dick off now that winter has actually hit new york. made a tattoo appt in London, and still don't get how a $380 ticket can be $775 after...
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So, next weekend, after 6.5 years in Jersey City, I am moving into money-makin-Manhattan! Got in on a friends rent-stabilized apt that he has had for 11years! Going from "zone-in-transition, get guns stuck in your face by 15 year olds" Jersey to one of the most desirable "Sex & The City" zip codes in Manhattan. Paying more for less space, but for a Manhattan apt,...
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awe im your number one!
good luck with the move
I'm bored... anyone out there want to go get a get dressed up in 80s looking space suits, obtain high powered lazer (the kind terrorists are using to down planes) and see if we can find where The Strokes live and temporarily blind the fuck out of them? If the cop come, we can just say we are from the future and we are doing...
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i like your profile & your pics are pretty sweet 2!! holla <3
I'm not a big fan of the journal thing... I usually just write something weird that's really funny to me and no one else really gets... I'm considering growing a moustache, just for kicks... I'd probably look stupid and/or creepy, but man... it would be worth the laugh I would get every morning when I looked in the mirror... ya think?