So my news are that a friend and I are promoting a show, as the first step of a great project we have. The objective right now is not to become promoters but something else that we really want to develop to help the local music scenes, yes in plural, the local scene not only here where we are but of everyplace.. Support your scene !!!
Now about the show we are promoting.. it's CATTLE DECAPITATION in Vancouver
Cattle Decapitation is a San Diego, California-based deathgrind band, founded in 1996. Their songs protest the mistreatment and consumption of animals as well as the abuse of the environment. All members of the group are vegetarians; their lyrics are focused on subjects such as misanthropy and the genocide of the human race. Through the use of macabre lyrical content (horror, real life lyrics about what they stand for) the members of the band represent their views on animal rights. Much of their music is based on putting humans in the situations that animals are subjected to (animal testing, slaughter etc)
The Invisible Orange
This is an organization that a buddy and I founded back in Mexico

Now about the show we are promoting.. it's CATTLE DECAPITATION in Vancouver
Cattle Decapitation is a San Diego, California-based deathgrind band, founded in 1996. Their songs protest the mistreatment and consumption of animals as well as the abuse of the environment. All members of the group are vegetarians; their lyrics are focused on subjects such as misanthropy and the genocide of the human race. Through the use of macabre lyrical content (horror, real life lyrics about what they stand for) the members of the band represent their views on animal rights. Much of their music is based on putting humans in the situations that animals are subjected to (animal testing, slaughter etc)
The Invisible Orange
This is an organization that a buddy and I founded back in Mexico

que tenga sun fin super divertido!!!