Just for the record, last week I went to the Lamb of God, God Forbid, Shadows Fall, Killswitch concert. I also met a lot of people at a party I went with a friend.
I already have tickets to Placebo next Thursday and Dimmu Borgir in two weeks... Two weeks left for school and then more party!
I wonder where's the underground scene in Vancouver. It looks pretty much like Hermosillo, the same people goes to the gigs and stuff... where are the Rave Parties? can anyone tell me please?! Thanks!
mm.. also this friday I hope to see Christopher Lawrence at Sonar yeah... I'm hungry, gotta go
I already have tickets to Placebo next Thursday and Dimmu Borgir in two weeks... Two weeks left for school and then more party!
I wonder where's the underground scene in Vancouver. It looks pretty much like Hermosillo, the same people goes to the gigs and stuff... where are the Rave Parties? can anyone tell me please?! Thanks!
mm.. also this friday I hope to see Christopher Lawrence at Sonar yeah... I'm hungry, gotta go