For all of you who speak spanish or at least can read in spanish I just want to share something:
Back in Hermosillo my friend Matute and I started a website called (that's why you have to know spanish!) with the help of many other friends. Its objective is to promote the local music scene.
It started in February 2001 and it was a total success. For years we just maintained it with our money and all the bands were able to upload their history, mp3, pictures, etc. We as rocksonora were able to organize gigs and shows to pay for hosting and branding stuff. Many bands from the region mentioned our site on the "Thanks" section of their CDs! That was the only and best pay for our work!
RockSonora must have something like 20,000 hits per day or more since it doesn't only atract people from the Sonora State but also from all over Mexico and a few other visitors from different spanish speaking countries around the world.
Well, last years we have abandoned the site a little while, well I left it completely for some time and Matute just got one of thos site management tools and made some kids admins and moderators. The content is pretty bad lately, no interesting articles and the bands section is a mess. But it still has thousands of visitors, mainly kids that have some sort of a community and discuss through the site's phorums.
I wrote to Matute who is not in Hermosillo either, he's in Monterrey, and well he wants to improve the technical aspects these days. I want to improve the content too so I'll be writing there some articles about music in general, history of music in our state (mainly about metal from 1988 to 2001 which is the time I lived there and participated actively). We'll see how it goes. I guess once we start bringing it up again we'll have many new ideas!
I needed a new project for me because I've been getting bored lately, but what can be better than renewing a project that was once succesful! So many good memories :-D
Back in Hermosillo my friend Matute and I started a website called (that's why you have to know spanish!) with the help of many other friends. Its objective is to promote the local music scene.
It started in February 2001 and it was a total success. For years we just maintained it with our money and all the bands were able to upload their history, mp3, pictures, etc. We as rocksonora were able to organize gigs and shows to pay for hosting and branding stuff. Many bands from the region mentioned our site on the "Thanks" section of their CDs! That was the only and best pay for our work!
RockSonora must have something like 20,000 hits per day or more since it doesn't only atract people from the Sonora State but also from all over Mexico and a few other visitors from different spanish speaking countries around the world.
Well, last years we have abandoned the site a little while, well I left it completely for some time and Matute just got one of thos site management tools and made some kids admins and moderators. The content is pretty bad lately, no interesting articles and the bands section is a mess. But it still has thousands of visitors, mainly kids that have some sort of a community and discuss through the site's phorums.
I wrote to Matute who is not in Hermosillo either, he's in Monterrey, and well he wants to improve the technical aspects these days. I want to improve the content too so I'll be writing there some articles about music in general, history of music in our state (mainly about metal from 1988 to 2001 which is the time I lived there and participated actively). We'll see how it goes. I guess once we start bringing it up again we'll have many new ideas!
I needed a new project for me because I've been getting bored lately, but what can be better than renewing a project that was once succesful! So many good memories :-D
I dont' usually add people I dont' know .. you should come out to one of the SGBC events and say hello sometime.