I've been having an email debate with some Christian fanatic that sent me an unsolicited email.... here it is so far:
"The fact that you agree the Bible should be re-worked to suit the needs of sinful man is eveidence that you are no different then the Nazis. You are intolerant.
Forcing us and it will happen OVER our dead bodies to change the word of God proves my point.
This one will make our website!
----- Original Message -----
From: Daron
To: Concerned Christians Canada Inc.
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Reply for the Re-Building Canada email.
"This is Nazi Germany all over again."
So by wanting you to marry homosexual people of the Christian faith, and by wanting it made so that the Bible isn't seen as hateful, it's like killing people for their faith and sexuality and bloodline, and starving people..
The Nazi's also disliked homosexuals, they murdered them... and comparing this to Nazi Germany is very inconsiderate to all of those who lived through that.
"Concerned Christians Canada Inc." <CCCnational@shaw.ca> wrote:
Scott Brockie, Rev Stephen Boissoin and others prove you are wrong with these bills. Also, your comment "The fact that the church's teaching may be considered hate propaganda is not the fault of the government" shows the apathy of those who are not of faith.
The Saskatchewan Human RIghts Commission has ordered that the Bible re-written to be more modern and Gay lobby groups are lobbying for the next step to force us to marry. We are now living in fear.
This is Nazi Germany all over again.
----- Original Message -----
From: Daron
To: Concerned Christians Canada Inc.
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: Reply for the Re-Building Canada email.
That still doesn't explain unsolicited emails.
And the church is not told who to marry. The church is allowed to deny marrying people, homosexual and heterosexual alike. Hence why the Knights of Columbus in British Columbia who were taken to court by a hom! osexual couple who were denied the ability to hold their wedding in the KoC building, won against the homosexual couple.
Bill C-250 and C-415 do not take away your rights, but have been introduced to include the rights of people based on their sexuality so they cannot be discrimated against due to that. Without that amendment, hate propaganda about homosexuals is not actually covered under the law to be able to be considered a crime, unlike hate speeches against Christians and Jews, etc. The fact that the church's teaching may be considered hate propaganda is not the fault of the government, and when the bill was being introduced they attempted to make it so it would not harshly affect religious groups.
You say we need freedom for all, and are afraid that your freedoms are being taken away, but by not allowing the bills the freedoms of others will be removed in a much larger sense than you no longer being able to publicly b! ash homosexuality. Without hateful writings and speeches on homosexuality being considered illegal, homosexual people have to live in fear.
"Concerned Christians Canada Inc." <CCCnational@shaw.ca> wrote:
The only reasonn we are involved in politics is because our rights are being denied. Churches are ! being told who to marry. We do not object to churches deciding for themselves whm they wish to marry, but not forcing their views on us.
If the state would g! et out of the church there would be no need for us to try to get involved in the state.
We need freedom for all not and that includes people of faith. Our rights are being stripped away under current legislation such as c and Bill C250.
----- Original Message -----
From: Daron
To: ceo@concernedchristians.ca
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 200! 6 5:29 PM
Subject: Reply for the Re-Building Canada email.
I do not appreciate receiving unsolicited emails from a religious organization, especially when it is not my religion. Sending out rediculous emails to people who did not ask to be informed about your beliefs is rude, and makes you look unprofessional.
I do not enjoy groups trying to mix their religion into our country's politics. Religion mixed with politics can ruin a country and deny people their rights.
- Daron.
"The fact that you agree the Bible should be re-worked to suit the needs of sinful man is eveidence that you are no different then the Nazis. You are intolerant.
Forcing us and it will happen OVER our dead bodies to change the word of God proves my point.
This one will make our website!
----- Original Message -----
From: Daron
To: Concerned Christians Canada Inc.
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Reply for the Re-Building Canada email.
"This is Nazi Germany all over again."
So by wanting you to marry homosexual people of the Christian faith, and by wanting it made so that the Bible isn't seen as hateful, it's like killing people for their faith and sexuality and bloodline, and starving people..
The Nazi's also disliked homosexuals, they murdered them... and comparing this to Nazi Germany is very inconsiderate to all of those who lived through that.
"Concerned Christians Canada Inc." <CCCnational@shaw.ca> wrote:
Scott Brockie, Rev Stephen Boissoin and others prove you are wrong with these bills. Also, your comment "The fact that the church's teaching may be considered hate propaganda is not the fault of the government" shows the apathy of those who are not of faith.
The Saskatchewan Human RIghts Commission has ordered that the Bible re-written to be more modern and Gay lobby groups are lobbying for the next step to force us to marry. We are now living in fear.
This is Nazi Germany all over again.
----- Original Message -----
From: Daron
To: Concerned Christians Canada Inc.
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: Reply for the Re-Building Canada email.
That still doesn't explain unsolicited emails.
And the church is not told who to marry. The church is allowed to deny marrying people, homosexual and heterosexual alike. Hence why the Knights of Columbus in British Columbia who were taken to court by a hom! osexual couple who were denied the ability to hold their wedding in the KoC building, won against the homosexual couple.
Bill C-250 and C-415 do not take away your rights, but have been introduced to include the rights of people based on their sexuality so they cannot be discrimated against due to that. Without that amendment, hate propaganda about homosexuals is not actually covered under the law to be able to be considered a crime, unlike hate speeches against Christians and Jews, etc. The fact that the church's teaching may be considered hate propaganda is not the fault of the government, and when the bill was being introduced they attempted to make it so it would not harshly affect religious groups.
You say we need freedom for all, and are afraid that your freedoms are being taken away, but by not allowing the bills the freedoms of others will be removed in a much larger sense than you no longer being able to publicly b! ash homosexuality. Without hateful writings and speeches on homosexuality being considered illegal, homosexual people have to live in fear.
"Concerned Christians Canada Inc." <CCCnational@shaw.ca> wrote:
The only reasonn we are involved in politics is because our rights are being denied. Churches are ! being told who to marry. We do not object to churches deciding for themselves whm they wish to marry, but not forcing their views on us.
If the state would g! et out of the church there would be no need for us to try to get involved in the state.
We need freedom for all not and that includes people of faith. Our rights are being stripped away under current legislation such as c and Bill C250.
----- Original Message -----
From: Daron
To: ceo@concernedchristians.ca
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 200! 6 5:29 PM
Subject: Reply for the Re-Building Canada email.
I do not appreciate receiving unsolicited emails from a religious organization, especially when it is not my religion. Sending out rediculous emails to people who did not ask to be informed about your beliefs is rude, and makes you look unprofessional.
I do not enjoy groups trying to mix their religion into our country's politics. Religion mixed with politics can ruin a country and deny people their rights.
- Daron.
It really bugs me when people start comparing shit like that to nazi Germany.