Well, now for something a little less crazy.
I was walking back to my friend's hose the night before last, thinking it would take less time than taking the T. It was snowy & cold, but tolerable, until I'd crossed a bridge. Out of nowhere, a 50 MPH wind kicked up, blasting me.
It had been raining earlier, so it was more like hail. Like hundreds of little icicles stabbing me in the eyes. Fortunately, I'd remembered I had had sunglasses, which reduced the pain. Then I was only blind.
My eyelashes froze together. My hair froze to my face. Inch long icicles hung from my beard. There was snow INSIDE my coat.
I swore @ the wretched winds & snow: "FUCK YOU!! FUCK YOU!! I WON"T SURRENDER!!!""
But I thawed. Then I thawed TV, & tried to sleep, but couldn't, for want of my beloved fiancee, Shera I cannot wait until I meet her....
I finally got up, wandering the darkened streets in my loneliness.
I ended up @ a college, sitting on a window sill, when a beautiful young lady approached me, starting a conversation. I told her of my loneliness. She invited for a drink, to make me feel less woed.
So, we went, we drank... & she attacked me.
I returned her favor. I returned it again, & Again. & Again.
& Again.
I felt horribly ashamed, embarassed by my weakness. Trying to get past her ecstatic haze, I made an excuse for early departure, and returned to the streets, my head hung in Shame for my aggregious behavior agin my Betrothed.
I parked myself on a bench. upright, but doubled over in self deprication.
It took me a moment, but I realised a lovely young lass had just positioned herself beside me on the parkbench, a look of longing tenderness focussed upon my woes.....
Can my darling Shera ever forgive me?
I was walking back to my friend's hose the night before last, thinking it would take less time than taking the T. It was snowy & cold, but tolerable, until I'd crossed a bridge. Out of nowhere, a 50 MPH wind kicked up, blasting me.
It had been raining earlier, so it was more like hail. Like hundreds of little icicles stabbing me in the eyes. Fortunately, I'd remembered I had had sunglasses, which reduced the pain. Then I was only blind.
My eyelashes froze together. My hair froze to my face. Inch long icicles hung from my beard. There was snow INSIDE my coat.
I swore @ the wretched winds & snow: "FUCK YOU!! FUCK YOU!! I WON"T SURRENDER!!!""
But I thawed. Then I thawed TV, & tried to sleep, but couldn't, for want of my beloved fiancee, Shera I cannot wait until I meet her....
I finally got up, wandering the darkened streets in my loneliness.
I ended up @ a college, sitting on a window sill, when a beautiful young lady approached me, starting a conversation. I told her of my loneliness. She invited for a drink, to make me feel less woed.
So, we went, we drank... & she attacked me.
I returned her favor. I returned it again, & Again. & Again.
& Again.
I felt horribly ashamed, embarassed by my weakness. Trying to get past her ecstatic haze, I made an excuse for early departure, and returned to the streets, my head hung in Shame for my aggregious behavior agin my Betrothed.
I parked myself on a bench. upright, but doubled over in self deprication.
It took me a moment, but I realised a lovely young lass had just positioned herself beside me on the parkbench, a look of longing tenderness focussed upon my woes.....
Can my darling Shera ever forgive me?