Sorry if I haven't been there so much lately... I spent the last few days in Quebec city, trying to put some light on my future. Thanks to my friend Dave, I had the chance to relax, walking in the "Vieux Quebec" several times...
I might go there to next week-end, but this time, for another purpose... HOCKEY !!
Drea, I havent forgot you... just...
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I might go there to next week-end, but this time, for another purpose... HOCKEY !!

Drea, I havent forgot you... just...
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Well... another painfull day at he office
Not much to say... just praying for my granmother's health !
Love you all anyway
Oh... and I you have a job in mind for me, I open to everything... even selling my body ! And if youre nice, maybe I'll give you a free treat !
Not much to say... just praying for my granmother's health !
Love you all anyway
Oh... and I you have a job in mind for me, I open to everything... even selling my body ! And if youre nice, maybe I'll give you a free treat !

Going into your job completely stoned out of your mind and having to admit to your boss that you can't finish the job on the deadline night is not something I should go easy on myself for...
allo! merci pour tou. tu est vraiment trs gentil. si elle ne l'accepte pas je vais le mettre dans les albums de toute faon. mais personnellement j'en suis trs fire. il y a de trs beaux clairage dans ce set l. anyway on verra bien!

What a beautifull day it was: First, I went to court to finaly end the story of a "cash eater" whoes only goal was to put the little company I'm working for in trouble ! I was so hot in front of the work commision
It is kind of nice when your boss come to you afterwords and say that you made him save...
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What a beautifull day it was: First, I went to court to finaly end the story of a "cash eater" whoes only goal was to put the little company I'm working for in trouble ! I was so hot in front of the work commision

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you rock! you should come to marquette and play hockey with me.
[Edited on Oct 07, 2004 10:47PM]
[Edited on Oct 07, 2004 10:47PM]
hey that's cool that you're more active. i noticed that
i would love to play hockey with you. i don't like to watch hockey so much - i like to do things rather than watch. there are a few exceptions, but not many.
off to write a boring paper about Burma. blah

off to write a boring paper about Burma. blah

I feel so good right now !!
Have you ever woundered are it is godd to be loved by someone... to feel that youre the only thing important to a person during a few seconds ??
I've been teased by one of my girlfirend yesterday. I'm not in love with her, but she's so a good girl that I totaly respect that her interest in...
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Have you ever woundered are it is godd to be loved by someone... to feel that youre the only thing important to a person during a few seconds ??
I've been teased by one of my girlfirend yesterday. I'm not in love with her, but she's so a good girl that I totaly respect that her interest in...
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oh no oh no... i'm very dull. and i'm not single, so i'd be a horrible 'magical' match.
thanks for writing back, it kinda weirds me out when people send the friendship thing but don't say hi. where in canada are you?

"bonjour ma chere. ca va? je ne parle pas francais. mais... un petit peu. le moufette est dans le bibliotheque."
thats about the extent of my french. i don't even know how good that is. your probably laughing your ass off right now.
hmmm... well i'm polish and irish and scotish and dutch and french... definately canadian. my mom's dad was french and he passed away when i was pretty young. but i still remember him sitting me on his lap and teaching me how to count to 10 in french. un deux trois...
italian and french sounds pretty hot.
i just noticed that you have your cock pierced. ouch! seriously? how painful was that? i've got my nipples pierced, they took forever to heal and hurt pretty badly. i can't even imagine how painful gettin your penis done would be. what kind of a piercing is it? on a scale of 'un a dix' how painful?
(one being no pain, ten being the worst pain imaginable)
[Edited on Oct 07, 2004 10:44PM]
thats about the extent of my french. i don't even know how good that is. your probably laughing your ass off right now.
hmmm... well i'm polish and irish and scotish and dutch and french... definately canadian. my mom's dad was french and he passed away when i was pretty young. but i still remember him sitting me on his lap and teaching me how to count to 10 in french. un deux trois...
italian and french sounds pretty hot.
i just noticed that you have your cock pierced. ouch! seriously? how painful was that? i've got my nipples pierced, they took forever to heal and hurt pretty badly. i can't even imagine how painful gettin your penis done would be. what kind of a piercing is it? on a scale of 'un a dix' how painful?

[Edited on Oct 07, 2004 10:44PM]
Not much to say for today...
Its a rainy day in my corner of the world, and I'm still looking for a job since Ive just finished my master degree ! But I have a new hair cut ... It's not the news of the century, but you know... It is enough to make me happy right now
Tonight, I have a big party with...
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Its a rainy day in my corner of the world, and I'm still looking for a job since Ive just finished my master degree ! But I have a new hair cut ... It's not the news of the century, but you know... It is enough to make me happy right now

Tonight, I have a big party with...
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Pleasure! Weeee i'm your first friend, I feel special hehe. What did you study in and what kind of job are you looking for?
ps- sorry it took me so long to reply, been terribly busy the last little while