So I got my ears pierced (finally) at the weekend. I'm going to take extra good care of them so they heal up nice and good. I've wanted flesh tunnels forever but wasn't really able to as for the past five years I've had to wear ear defenders for work. Now I'm no longer working it's not an issue and hopefully by the time I...
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Uggh. I think I need to vent. So I got made redundant a month ago now and looking for work sucks. I'm used to having money and now I have none. Something will come up I know it will. I just have to be patient and keep plugging away at it. To keep myself busy(ish) I've started writing a children's story. It's something I've thought...
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Thank you ! Appreciate it ... Glad to see you're making use of your down time... something WILL come up ... sometimes we have to be taken out of our comfort zones to really learn what life is capable of bringing.
thank you =]
Missing Elliott a bit right now. R.I.P buddy
So I read in a magazine today that they might be making Ghostbusters 3 next year. Is this really a good idea I can't help but ask myself. Admittedly if Bill Murray and the others all signed I'd have to go see it. Like HAVE to! But I cant help thinking it'd be like a "Revenge of the Sith" type affair. Hopefully I'm wrong and...
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Thanks for the friend request, Mr!
Extremely envious of the blue ray, by the way.
Extremely envious of the blue ray, by the way.
Watched Big Lebowski today. It totally kicks ass on blu ray!
When I walked into my local tattoo parlour today the last thing I was expecting the dood to say when I showed him what I wanted to have done was "Oh bloody hell...bloody No. No. Not on your leg no. I'd have to have a back or a thigh." Now I may be wrong, I probably am but should he not at that point...
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I'm not a tattoo buff, but that looks pretty detailed
I'm not a tattoo buff, but that looks pretty detailed
I can't help but get sucked in when it comes to Harry Potter. My daughter loves it and Emma Watson is a doll
Hey, nice to meet you
Harry Potter is one craze that has completely passed me by! I'm unashamed, don't worry
Harry Potter is one craze that has completely passed me by! I'm unashamed, don't worry