I went to a friends birthday party yesterday. Man, it felt like years ago since I drank the last time (but probably it's just two week or so
). Anyway, a friend made my hair look all rockabilly and I just love it.
Just have to show it to you (even if it the pic isn't all that great..).
I'm the one on the left.
And I have to tell you about the guard I met, afterwards. We were all going out to a pub afterwards, and since I know it's a age limit of 23 in the place everyone wanted to go to, I waited on the other side of the street together with some other friends, to see if the first half got in. And after a while, they did. And I might add that we're all 20-21 exept two guys that are 26-27 and one girl that's 17 (but "her" ID shows 20). Anyway, they all got in, so I went over the street to follow them. And the guards asks for my ID. Sure, I think, he asked my friends too, so why not? And then he says it's 23. I explained to him that he had just let in a gang of 5 ppl, all in the ages 20-21. No, he said, they were '83. I just stared at him. And he kept going; how old are you when you're born in 83? 21, I said. No, 23, he said. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I just HATE unintelligent ppl, and the fact they they do not disappear after you quit school really annoys me. The do not only keep existing, they also get jobs that I have to deal with everyday (such as guards, cashiers, switchboards operators,and so on...).
Say something to cheer me up, plaese.

I'm the one on the left.
And I have to tell you about the guard I met, afterwards. We were all going out to a pub afterwards, and since I know it's a age limit of 23 in the place everyone wanted to go to, I waited on the other side of the street together with some other friends, to see if the first half got in. And after a while, they did. And I might add that we're all 20-21 exept two guys that are 26-27 and one girl that's 17 (but "her" ID shows 20). Anyway, they all got in, so I went over the street to follow them. And the guards asks for my ID. Sure, I think, he asked my friends too, so why not? And then he says it's 23. I explained to him that he had just let in a gang of 5 ppl, all in the ages 20-21. No, he said, they were '83. I just stared at him. And he kept going; how old are you when you're born in 83? 21, I said. No, 23, he said. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I just HATE unintelligent ppl, and the fact they they do not disappear after you quit school really annoys me. The do not only keep existing, they also get jobs that I have to deal with everyday (such as guards, cashiers, switchboards operators,and so on...).

Say something to cheer me up, plaese.

Cute pic