I've been very absent lately because of school. I don't know if I told before, but i'm CGI 3rd year student, and the school year's been really hard.
I'm far from being the best, and we had the classes but also a short movie to make that will decide if we go to master course or not.
Last week, I finished my short movie. But 3D self made one year fucking short movie. I have a lot to improve but i'm fucking proud of what I've accomplished. Now school's almost finished. So yeah, I'm happy. I've done what I thought i'd never be able to, i'm almost free, i'm feeling sooooo goooooood and it's like my life is gonna start now!

++ I found my vocation, I reaaaallly want to become a 3D lighting artist! can't wait to go on internship next summer <3
ALSO: as some of you know my eye got hurt by my cat, so I couldn't wear makeup for a looong time. I wore mascara few days ago, felt like i won +10 charisma points. I felt pretty and happy.
thank you @missy and @rambo for letting me share this story :p
-out of subject but do you know where i can find cheap col Bodys? I want to wear some!!-