As you know, my set was up 2 days ago. It was the first (but not last) one!
The way you all welcomed (is that a word?) me in the community is just amazing, you all give me so much support with your cutes and kind comments and messages, and it really makes me happy!!!
I'm even more thankfull as I'm having a hard time (yeah, again, i know) trying to deal with my constant hardcore bad luck and all it provokes, and I got a little depressive those last days..
But seeing that you love my photos that much, that you want to see more, makes me want to fight and not giving it up! I love you guys!!! <3
I am waiting for an other set, and I wish i could shoot others soon but I can,'t pay for a photographer at the moment so please, be reaaaallly realllly patient.
I'm also really sorry that I can't give more news, I don't forget you *^*
Thank you for your kindess, cuteness, amazingness.