A few days ago, I realized that if I want to be able to make my dream come true, I have to work hard. Then I decided to do my best to reach my goals. I started saving money, stopped eating too much junk food, drawing more, working more on school homework. I also started looking or a part time job (i'm still waiting answers, I need to be patient).
I saw that fighting for my dreams helped me feeling better about who I am, soul and body, and I really think that having the part time job will be a good step to self confidence too.
Now, I have to apply to be SG, it's a childhood (strange)dream, I wish I will be able to succeed this step.
That's all, I just wanted to share with you. Even if it's hard to stand up and fight, feeling proud of what's we've done and what we're doing is a really good feeling.
And I love my cat.