The following are the exact items I have found to meet both my needs and the needs of the MC. Also included are the costs.
1 X Brita Water pitcher and filter - FREE, had one already (2 for $12 at Sams Club)
1 x Black & Decker Electric Full Juice Extractor - 25.00
1 X package of natural Cayenne pepper - 1.50
1 X 32oz bottles of Whole Foods 365 Organic B Syrup - 14.00
1 x container of RealSalt Gourmet Kosher Sea Salt - 6.00
2 x boxes of Smooth Moves Chocolate w/Breadnut Seed & Senna Leaf - 9.00
40 x Organic lemons - 10.00
9 x regular limes (didn't have organic) - 3.00
80 x plastic 12oz disposable cups for LA mix, water, booze, etc. - FREE, had already (2.00)
1 x full measuring cup - FREE, had already (1.00)
1 x set of plastic measuring spoons - FREE, had already (3.00)
1 x 32oz bottle of 4 Total Nutrition liquid whole foods multivitamin - 35.00
(NOTE: the above bottle contains 175mg Stevia Extract, which a smaller liquid dropper bottle alone would've cost me 10.00)
$103 Total Expense except see below!
Haven't purchased the pro-biotic yet, although already have it picked out at the local GNC outlet for about 6.00 (*or use another member's suggestion of yogurt!). Also am sticking with my filtered water. Most distilled water that I've found around the world is city water that has been filtered but they claim comes from some mountain or spring. Also my lady partner will be starting her MC after her cycle, so we saved money on the re-usable items and the syrup/multivitamins. Oh, and I use the liquid multi (twice daily) for two of the drinks between the maple syrup ones. I think she's planning on using the syrup only.
NOTE: An exact list of products and ingredients of each is available upon request.
Day 1
Woke up about 10 this morning, began setting up what I needed to make the lemonade for the day. Took my Seasalt Water Flush (SWF) about 11, and 15 minutes later had about three quick but full bowel movements (BM). Took my first lemonade mixture around 12:30 pm with the liquid multi instead of the maple syrup (MS). Tasted pretty good too! Had another two glasses spaced every two hours since then. No bowel movements only tummy rumbles, so the flush worked well this morning and I'm somewhat confident that it won't interfere with my very physical work (so far). I'm very happy with my Black & Decker Fruit and Vegetable Juice Extractor. Waaaaaay much more juice out of every lemon than I got out of a regular juicer before because I can vampire the skins and rind as well as the meat. The model je1500 that I got was at Wal-Mart for about $25.

I'm only feeling slightly hungry, and my mind keeps trying to direct me to go to the fridge and make myself some Lean Pockets. :lol: Then again, I'm looking to lose about 30 pounds of water weight and it hadn't helped that I'd been eating buffet-style when the price was right! Fatty tissues collect water quickly since there is an excess of salts in buffet-style foods. Luckily for me that I knew in advance that the hardest problems I'd face wouldn't be the flushing of the internal mess but the hunger cravings. Those are controllable, and having the feeling of slightly being hungry all of the time isn't as bad as feeling ravenously so. So I'll manage that, no sweat.
Hey, like I say, I'm one of those "Planners". To culminate Day 1, no more bowel movements other than the normal kind associated with drinking liquids. I'm expecting a BM before bedtime, which is usual for me (not to mention tonight's tea ought to make darned sure of it). A total of 6 LA (lemonades) for the day, with some cups of water. And I expect to do a lot more tomorrow since I normally drink a LOT more water than this, even on a non-work day. So toodles and I'm off to beddie-bye.

Day 2
Well, first let me start with an addendum to Day 1's closing hours. I ended up going to bed later than I'd thought I would (1am), and didn't take anymore LA between 11pm and then. What I did notice was a strong but not intense hungry feeling prior to my final BM for the night, and I deemed it wise to sleep it off. Especially with six bags of Spicy Sweet Chile Doritos (not sure if you have them in your region yet) staring forelornly at me by the bedside. Fortunately I merely chuckled inside, finished another chapter in Piers Anthony's Xanth novels and went to sleep.
Upon awaking, I prepared my SWF in the shot method (which an actual shot glass the day before had failed). Instead of the glass, I used the flat stirring spoon of my rice cooker, put the seasalt on the spoon with one (1) tbsp of maple syrup. I then big-mouthed it, and drank a full former Gatorade 32oz container of warmed water to wash it down with. Yummy! Not as bad as yesterday, where the salt kept sticking to the shot glass. I also tried the tipped teakettle method to see if it would work more thoroughly on my BMs, but it had the reverse effect. Oh, well. It passed easily on Day 1, so I'll probably not mess with it again unless I fail to have BMs.
Strangely interesting enough, my manual scale claimed outright that I now weighed 225 pounds. Now I had few BMs yesterday, and a mini one after the SWF, and don't feel that the times I've passed water normally would account for this. So for now I'm going to put it down to the scale being in the coldest room of the house and will test it again tomorrow after it has sat in the warmest room overnight. I certainly don't feel 10 pounds lighter, lol! Another consideration is that I realized that I had accidently swapped my tbspoon with my teaspoon and had been taking light LA doses since mid-day on Day 1. *shrugs* The hunger feelings weren't strong so maybe it helped a bit.
The day now comes to an uneventful close. Lots of water being passed normally, no other BMs (well, nothing to process) from that other direction. Which has me pondering the impact of not pooping much during the MC. I suppose we'll see tomorrow, since Days 2 and 3 are supposed to be the toughest and 2 was as easy as air guitar. Once in a while there'd be a hunger cramp, then nothing once I'd feed it a LA. No energy loss, no additional pains, no heaving or liquid pooping. Again we'll see tomorrow.
One thing I did notice is something I've caught onto before when I tried the Atkins low-carb diet in 2003. Atkins states that your body will constantly crave sugars (IE: carbs) because it is used to having them as the primary source of energy before others. Since breads, crackers, and cereals are all high sources of carbs, as are anything candied or of processed dairy origin, I'll bet most folks don't realize before they start their MC (or even during it) that their cravings (when they really think about it) are almost always going to be something with lots of carbs in it. You'll rarely get cravings for light fruits and vegetables, grain brans or much that is healthy. Everytime I've been at work and had a craving or flavor on my tongue, it was something charged in carbs. Beating the craving by eating something different often worked, or by drinking plenty of water and even Gatorade with electrolytes. Consider it sometime. :wink:
Day 3
Heh, the day started off with my usual early morning BM then I took the SWF and hit the forums to check out everyone's progress. I knocked out a few posts, and before I can post my own updates the SWF knocked on my door for the next hour. I love getting it all out of the way early on! Hit up a few LAs, caught some comfy Zzzz's curled around my lady while she played some Final Fantasy XII in the bedroom. Missed one dosage but made it up by taking two an hour apart. Caught some more Zzzz's and another two doses. I still feel good, no loss of energy, almost no hunger pangs at all. In a bit I plan on showering and my lady and I will steal over to Wal-Mart and "borrow" as many scales at it takes to confirm or deny what my manual bathroom scale tells me is now 222 pounds and a loss of 13 pounds in 2+ days. I definitely do NOT feel the loss and do not look it on any portion of my flabatomy (at least to my eyes).
Okay dokey doke! We snuck through the halls of multi-aisled shopping and near the toy section we rode around on some scales of all shapes and sizes, textures, colors, and wildly off readings! We had loads of fun and laughed and laughed as each scale seemed to be ever more off for each of us. I took two doses of LA close together prior to leaving the house (hey, I felt hungry knowing I'd be going shopping), and was doing great. We had to scratch our heads a bit trying to figure out the best way to test these scales. So what I did was pick up my lady, drop her on a scale or three since we already knew her weight. And guess what? I'm supposedly down to somewhere around 222 pounds now! Wowza!
After looking hard at myself in the mirror at home, I decided to not look so hard and realized that I had indeed lost my slightly pudgy cheeks. Not quite like a fitness nut, but I'll take whatever improvements I can get. A few more doses to end the evening, and my tea. Nothing but passing water most of the day with a couple of yellowish-orange mini-poops. Now I did notice that one poop (rofl) earlier looked more like coffee grounds under the clear water of the potty. Odd but I expected odd. G'nite!
The following are the exact items I have found to meet both my needs and the needs of the MC. Also included are the costs.
1 X Brita Water pitcher and filter - FREE, had one already (2 for $12 at Sams Club)
1 x Black & Decker Electric Full Juice Extractor - 25.00
1 X package of natural Cayenne pepper - 1.50
1 X 32oz bottles of Whole Foods 365 Organic B Syrup - 14.00
1 x container of RealSalt Gourmet Kosher Sea Salt - 6.00
2 x boxes of Smooth Moves Chocolate w/Breadnut Seed & Senna Leaf - 9.00
40 x Organic lemons - 10.00
9 x regular limes (didn't have organic) - 3.00
80 x plastic 12oz disposable cups for LA mix, water, booze, etc. - FREE, had already (2.00)
1 x full measuring cup - FREE, had already (1.00)
1 x set of plastic measuring spoons - FREE, had already (3.00)
1 x 32oz bottle of 4 Total Nutrition liquid whole foods multivitamin - 35.00
(NOTE: the above bottle contains 175mg Stevia Extract, which a smaller liquid dropper bottle alone would've cost me 10.00)
$103 Total Expense except see below!
Haven't purchased the pro-biotic yet, although already have it picked out at the local GNC outlet for about 6.00 (*or use another member's suggestion of yogurt!). Also am sticking with my filtered water. Most distilled water that I've found around the world is city water that has been filtered but they claim comes from some mountain or spring. Also my lady partner will be starting her MC after her cycle, so we saved money on the re-usable items and the syrup/multivitamins. Oh, and I use the liquid multi (twice daily) for two of the drinks between the maple syrup ones. I think she's planning on using the syrup only.
NOTE: An exact list of products and ingredients of each is available upon request.
Day 1
Woke up about 10 this morning, began setting up what I needed to make the lemonade for the day. Took my Seasalt Water Flush (SWF) about 11, and 15 minutes later had about three quick but full bowel movements (BM). Took my first lemonade mixture around 12:30 pm with the liquid multi instead of the maple syrup (MS). Tasted pretty good too! Had another two glasses spaced every two hours since then. No bowel movements only tummy rumbles, so the flush worked well this morning and I'm somewhat confident that it won't interfere with my very physical work (so far). I'm very happy with my Black & Decker Fruit and Vegetable Juice Extractor. Waaaaaay much more juice out of every lemon than I got out of a regular juicer before because I can vampire the skins and rind as well as the meat. The model je1500 that I got was at Wal-Mart for about $25.

I'm only feeling slightly hungry, and my mind keeps trying to direct me to go to the fridge and make myself some Lean Pockets. :lol: Then again, I'm looking to lose about 30 pounds of water weight and it hadn't helped that I'd been eating buffet-style when the price was right! Fatty tissues collect water quickly since there is an excess of salts in buffet-style foods. Luckily for me that I knew in advance that the hardest problems I'd face wouldn't be the flushing of the internal mess but the hunger cravings. Those are controllable, and having the feeling of slightly being hungry all of the time isn't as bad as feeling ravenously so. So I'll manage that, no sweat.

Hey, like I say, I'm one of those "Planners". To culminate Day 1, no more bowel movements other than the normal kind associated with drinking liquids. I'm expecting a BM before bedtime, which is usual for me (not to mention tonight's tea ought to make darned sure of it). A total of 6 LA (lemonades) for the day, with some cups of water. And I expect to do a lot more tomorrow since I normally drink a LOT more water than this, even on a non-work day. So toodles and I'm off to beddie-bye.

Day 2
Well, first let me start with an addendum to Day 1's closing hours. I ended up going to bed later than I'd thought I would (1am), and didn't take anymore LA between 11pm and then. What I did notice was a strong but not intense hungry feeling prior to my final BM for the night, and I deemed it wise to sleep it off. Especially with six bags of Spicy Sweet Chile Doritos (not sure if you have them in your region yet) staring forelornly at me by the bedside. Fortunately I merely chuckled inside, finished another chapter in Piers Anthony's Xanth novels and went to sleep.
Upon awaking, I prepared my SWF in the shot method (which an actual shot glass the day before had failed). Instead of the glass, I used the flat stirring spoon of my rice cooker, put the seasalt on the spoon with one (1) tbsp of maple syrup. I then big-mouthed it, and drank a full former Gatorade 32oz container of warmed water to wash it down with. Yummy! Not as bad as yesterday, where the salt kept sticking to the shot glass. I also tried the tipped teakettle method to see if it would work more thoroughly on my BMs, but it had the reverse effect. Oh, well. It passed easily on Day 1, so I'll probably not mess with it again unless I fail to have BMs.
Strangely interesting enough, my manual scale claimed outright that I now weighed 225 pounds. Now I had few BMs yesterday, and a mini one after the SWF, and don't feel that the times I've passed water normally would account for this. So for now I'm going to put it down to the scale being in the coldest room of the house and will test it again tomorrow after it has sat in the warmest room overnight. I certainly don't feel 10 pounds lighter, lol! Another consideration is that I realized that I had accidently swapped my tbspoon with my teaspoon and had been taking light LA doses since mid-day on Day 1. *shrugs* The hunger feelings weren't strong so maybe it helped a bit.
The day now comes to an uneventful close. Lots of water being passed normally, no other BMs (well, nothing to process) from that other direction. Which has me pondering the impact of not pooping much during the MC. I suppose we'll see tomorrow, since Days 2 and 3 are supposed to be the toughest and 2 was as easy as air guitar. Once in a while there'd be a hunger cramp, then nothing once I'd feed it a LA. No energy loss, no additional pains, no heaving or liquid pooping. Again we'll see tomorrow.
One thing I did notice is something I've caught onto before when I tried the Atkins low-carb diet in 2003. Atkins states that your body will constantly crave sugars (IE: carbs) because it is used to having them as the primary source of energy before others. Since breads, crackers, and cereals are all high sources of carbs, as are anything candied or of processed dairy origin, I'll bet most folks don't realize before they start their MC (or even during it) that their cravings (when they really think about it) are almost always going to be something with lots of carbs in it. You'll rarely get cravings for light fruits and vegetables, grain brans or much that is healthy. Everytime I've been at work and had a craving or flavor on my tongue, it was something charged in carbs. Beating the craving by eating something different often worked, or by drinking plenty of water and even Gatorade with electrolytes. Consider it sometime. :wink:
Day 3
Heh, the day started off with my usual early morning BM then I took the SWF and hit the forums to check out everyone's progress. I knocked out a few posts, and before I can post my own updates the SWF knocked on my door for the next hour. I love getting it all out of the way early on! Hit up a few LAs, caught some comfy Zzzz's curled around my lady while she played some Final Fantasy XII in the bedroom. Missed one dosage but made it up by taking two an hour apart. Caught some more Zzzz's and another two doses. I still feel good, no loss of energy, almost no hunger pangs at all. In a bit I plan on showering and my lady and I will steal over to Wal-Mart and "borrow" as many scales at it takes to confirm or deny what my manual bathroom scale tells me is now 222 pounds and a loss of 13 pounds in 2+ days. I definitely do NOT feel the loss and do not look it on any portion of my flabatomy (at least to my eyes).

Okay dokey doke! We snuck through the halls of multi-aisled shopping and near the toy section we rode around on some scales of all shapes and sizes, textures, colors, and wildly off readings! We had loads of fun and laughed and laughed as each scale seemed to be ever more off for each of us. I took two doses of LA close together prior to leaving the house (hey, I felt hungry knowing I'd be going shopping), and was doing great. We had to scratch our heads a bit trying to figure out the best way to test these scales. So what I did was pick up my lady, drop her on a scale or three since we already knew her weight. And guess what? I'm supposedly down to somewhere around 222 pounds now! Wowza!
After looking hard at myself in the mirror at home, I decided to not look so hard and realized that I had indeed lost my slightly pudgy cheeks. Not quite like a fitness nut, but I'll take whatever improvements I can get. A few more doses to end the evening, and my tea. Nothing but passing water most of the day with a couple of yellowish-orange mini-poops. Now I did notice that one poop (rofl) earlier looked more like coffee grounds under the clear water of the potty. Odd but I expected odd. G'nite!