ROFL! Two more days until I start a new career and I'm only missing one important original birth certificate proving that I was born an American Citizen. Normally major companies allow one to use a U.S. passport as proof, simply for the fact that to get a passport the government checks your birth certificate before returning it to you. Grrrr, I have no idea where I placed that document, even though I keep really good records (heh, I may have hid it from thieves and hence myself)! Heh, we'll see tomorrow if I can locate it or get a different form to use instead. I've also realized that during extremely hot times, as it has been here in Texas lately, that anyone who enjoys rice will find crunchy little surprises in their meal if not aware. Seems that humidity and high heat allows for weevils and grain beetles to hatch from your lovely little repast and infest your container with minions of munch'n'crunch. At first I thought they were typical weevils, until I did some research and discovered that weevils have a long thin snout (probiscus), whereas these resembled tiny brown ants with streamlined bodies and small heads. More research later and they were found to be Sawtoothed Grain Beetles. From all accounts on various sites, they are pretty harmless but reproduce rapidly and can infest a kitchen and any pantry products like cereal or crackers. Good thing my new pets are locked away inside a plastic container with a screw-on cap. Makes me wonder if the 100 or so that are there now, and the 20+ larvae I did see (and the countless hundreds of others I didn't) will eat up their oxygen quickly in this 105 F degree temperature, or if they'll breath their own gases and live forever (or until the rice is gone, whichever comes first).

Good luck with everything hun!

Thanks for your comment on my last set!