Oh, did I forget to mention that last Thursday I went to a concert at Hero's Rock'n'Roll Club for the re-vamped DROWNING POOL, my personal friends from DOWNSIID (pronounced Down Side), also Downsiid's 'sidekicks' EMURA, and another group called The SUICIDE HOOK was there. It looks like DROWNING POOL definitely is back in action, and the group was as hard-core as before. There is an upcoming concert for the awesome band KRITICKILL, which many of you may have heard on the radio already in your state. I've been going to KRITICKILL concerts since a little lady introduced me to the Donnor Party illicit outdoor concerts in 2001. Hrm, wonder what happened to another band..... Heh!

Not the party since you sat there the whole time.
Actually you got us on film so that was fun.