Just a 'little' update. The repair shop that I've decided to use for my repairs (to save me time) ended up putting the driver-side emergency brake cable on the passenger-side instead, supposedly breaking the old cable to remove it. Now I've got to replace the other side cable, which is on order and should arrive Monday morning at my usual parts store. The manager also tells me the front wheel assembly hub that I bought has studs (the bolts that the wheel mounts onto) that are too short and that the lugnuts only tighten up to two threads on the studs (a safety concern because if one strips the threads the whole tire would fly off). He also mentioned that my replacement lugnut for my other tire is not long enough to fit the new stud. Soooooooo.......
What I did was take the old hub assembly, the new lugnut, the old emergency brake cable that the guy broke, and the new stud back to the parts store where I bought the parts. I compared the old assembly with the exact same replacement part, and found that the studs were the same length. I ordered a new e-brake cable, and tried to find a longer lugnut (but of all of the ones for my specific vehicle, none were going to be longer than the one I had already). Sooooooo.........
When Monday comes a'rollin' around again, I'm going to shoot on over to the repair shop and demand (politely) that the guy remove the lugnuts from the wheel with the new hub assembly. Then I'm going to take that new stud (which is the correct length), and one of the old studs from the old hub assembly, and measure them up against the studs on the new hub. If they match, the guy does bad work. If they are in fact shorter, then the replacement part was misboxed and will have to be dismounted and returned (probably costing me another man-hour of repair time....).
Also I will be comparing my old lugnut to the new lugnut I still have, and if they are the same, the guy does bad work (I mean come'on, it isn't hard to do all of this work myself!). If I can catch the guy out, he'll do all of the work for only the original discounted price, since he can't mark-up because he didn't provide the parts.
Funny thing is, all of this wouldn't have occurred if some EXTREMELY STUPID woman driving a fancy car hadn't pulled out of a very small business parking lot onto the expressway RIGHT IN FRONT OF AN EXIT RAMP at less than 5 MPH, IN THE RAIN mind you, and STOP COLD across TWO LANES (including the exit lane) just to adjust her cell phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>I<< happened to just come off of that exit ramp and had NOWHERE to go except through the railing off the hill and possibly to my end.....or hook a high-speed right-skid IN THE RAIN and try to pull a trick I learned back when I used to do small-time car racing. IT WORKED, but that day something popped on the impacted driver-side front wheel. I was SO mad that I pounded my 'bird' on the window at her uncaring self, horn at it's loudest and drove off (all the while she was talking on her cell phone not realizing/caring she could've killed three people....). <sighs mightily> And on with the show!
What I did was take the old hub assembly, the new lugnut, the old emergency brake cable that the guy broke, and the new stud back to the parts store where I bought the parts. I compared the old assembly with the exact same replacement part, and found that the studs were the same length. I ordered a new e-brake cable, and tried to find a longer lugnut (but of all of the ones for my specific vehicle, none were going to be longer than the one I had already). Sooooooo.........
When Monday comes a'rollin' around again, I'm going to shoot on over to the repair shop and demand (politely) that the guy remove the lugnuts from the wheel with the new hub assembly. Then I'm going to take that new stud (which is the correct length), and one of the old studs from the old hub assembly, and measure them up against the studs on the new hub. If they match, the guy does bad work. If they are in fact shorter, then the replacement part was misboxed and will have to be dismounted and returned (probably costing me another man-hour of repair time....).
Also I will be comparing my old lugnut to the new lugnut I still have, and if they are the same, the guy does bad work (I mean come'on, it isn't hard to do all of this work myself!). If I can catch the guy out, he'll do all of the work for only the original discounted price, since he can't mark-up because he didn't provide the parts.

Funny thing is, all of this wouldn't have occurred if some EXTREMELY STUPID woman driving a fancy car hadn't pulled out of a very small business parking lot onto the expressway RIGHT IN FRONT OF AN EXIT RAMP at less than 5 MPH, IN THE RAIN mind you, and STOP COLD across TWO LANES (including the exit lane) just to adjust her cell phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like your having some tough luck with car parts! Hope everything works out!