ROFL, I've noticed that I rarely post in SG forums ever since I renewed my account (previous stuff was lost). Most likely it is because I've been busy doing admin work online at the same time posting like mad on other forums. I'll be rectifying that and instilling some of my Spanish essence back into the various threads I long ago enjoyed. Since I don't do the blog-type thing too well (why talk about myself when others have interesting conversations I can smile into!), I tend to reply to numerous posts in a large variety of topics/cultures/situations.
~~~~A little bit about myself for the minorly curious~~~~
I am non-judgemental (unless betrayed or attacked), non-partisan (all politicians must die), multi-cultural (comes from travelling to war-torn countries with the military and after), widely-travelled and well-read. I enjoy the friendly company of all women, big or small, short or tall, as well as that of the non-Alpha or non-stereotypical males. Get Goth, get a piercing! LOL! j/k. I've worked in various industries in life: photography, video, movie, food services, military intelligence, security, U.N./NATO force protection, have been the UPS man, census and pollster, telecommunications, computer tech guru, PC security specialist, loan manager, administrative officer, etc. Have even been a Relationship Enthusiast (counselor) for
Internationally, I've been in so many countries that I've come to respect that the U.S. of A. has no clue what is going on out there in the 'real world' and has manipulated our citizens to the point where if the crap hits the fan, we wouldn't be able to take the reality of it. Our noses are so far up in the air that a sniff of resistance makes us break out the can of RAID (read: Can o'Whoop-Ass) before even thinking about the consequences. <shrugs sadly>
Consideringly, I've travelled/lived in South Korea/North Korea, the Philippines, Germany, Kosovo/Yugoslavia/Serbia/Balkans, Japan, Hong Kong, France, Bulgaria, Greece/Macedonia, Mexico, Panama, Canada (briefly), Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Australia, Indonesia, Jakarta, Thailand, Taiwan, Sicily, Spain, Turkey, Austria-Hungary, Poland, and a guarded tour to China amongst other stops and travels elsewhere in the military. Shhhh!
Aside from all of this, I don't listen to the stereotypical music people think I listen to. Those who see me as 'white' believe I only listen to classic rock'n'roll. Those who know me as 'hispanic' think I only listen to latino music or crossover stuff like Shakira and Christina Aguilara (or even Ricky Martin, heh!). Europeans think because I'm American I listen to rap, or should know the latest rap artists crap. Others that see me at clubs assume I listen to metal music or gothika or trance. Many of those who live in Asia itself, depending on my outfit at the time, believe that as an American I listen to nothing but R&B or hard rock. Latinos and hispanics that meet me either think of me as 'that white guy' or as an hermano that has a chance with 'those white guys' because I look white and am educated - but that I don't listen to real latino stuff. And EVERYONE who finds out I live in Texas believes I listen to nothing but western
or country music.
GUESS WHAT!? I'M NOT A FRIGGIN' STEREOTYPE! YAY! I listen to pretty much EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that I feel like listening to. See my bio if you don't believe me!
I have more friends that are either goth/punk, fat/skinny, minority/repressed, gay/lesbian/bisexual, "out there" space cases, nymphos/anti-sex, and international than most of those so-called "normal" people whose closed minds are in La-La Land fighting one another over ignorance and stupidity could believe of me.
~~~~A little bit about myself for the minorly curious~~~~
I am non-judgemental (unless betrayed or attacked), non-partisan (all politicians must die), multi-cultural (comes from travelling to war-torn countries with the military and after), widely-travelled and well-read. I enjoy the friendly company of all women, big or small, short or tall, as well as that of the non-Alpha or non-stereotypical males. Get Goth, get a piercing! LOL! j/k. I've worked in various industries in life: photography, video, movie, food services, military intelligence, security, U.N./NATO force protection, have been the UPS man, census and pollster, telecommunications, computer tech guru, PC security specialist, loan manager, administrative officer, etc. Have even been a Relationship Enthusiast (counselor) for

Internationally, I've been in so many countries that I've come to respect that the U.S. of A. has no clue what is going on out there in the 'real world' and has manipulated our citizens to the point where if the crap hits the fan, we wouldn't be able to take the reality of it. Our noses are so far up in the air that a sniff of resistance makes us break out the can of RAID (read: Can o'Whoop-Ass) before even thinking about the consequences. <shrugs sadly>

Consideringly, I've travelled/lived in South Korea/North Korea, the Philippines, Germany, Kosovo/Yugoslavia/Serbia/Balkans, Japan, Hong Kong, France, Bulgaria, Greece/Macedonia, Mexico, Panama, Canada (briefly), Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Australia, Indonesia, Jakarta, Thailand, Taiwan, Sicily, Spain, Turkey, Austria-Hungary, Poland, and a guarded tour to China amongst other stops and travels elsewhere in the military. Shhhh!

Aside from all of this, I don't listen to the stereotypical music people think I listen to. Those who see me as 'white' believe I only listen to classic rock'n'roll. Those who know me as 'hispanic' think I only listen to latino music or crossover stuff like Shakira and Christina Aguilara (or even Ricky Martin, heh!). Europeans think because I'm American I listen to rap, or should know the latest rap artists crap. Others that see me at clubs assume I listen to metal music or gothika or trance. Many of those who live in Asia itself, depending on my outfit at the time, believe that as an American I listen to nothing but R&B or hard rock. Latinos and hispanics that meet me either think of me as 'that white guy' or as an hermano that has a chance with 'those white guys' because I look white and am educated - but that I don't listen to real latino stuff. And EVERYONE who finds out I live in Texas believes I listen to nothing but western

GUESS WHAT!? I'M NOT A FRIGGIN' STEREOTYPE! YAY! I listen to pretty much EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that I feel like listening to. See my bio if you don't believe me!

So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.
Happy late Valentines Day!