As an artist, look CLOSELY at everyone! I examine cocks… studying their veiny throbbing, their plump mushroom heads, their copious amounts of hot sparkling white cum!
I examine vulvas… their goddess-like silky glistening labia, plump and aroused. Their cute little clits peeking out from their safe little homes under her perfect little hood.
Perfect six packs, unrivaled breasts. Asses that make the moon jealous!! Bodies that truly rival gods and angels!!
But let’s be honest, no one sees that when we look in the mirror. We see everything “wrong” with us. Our visions echo whatever painful thing our ex’s have said in anger or whatever mean things we’ve said about ourselves. We compare ourselves to those we idolize and we use those shortcomings to explain why we can’t always get what we want.
I know it’s true… I do it too.
But I’m going to let you in on a little secret… what we see ISN’T what our lovers see. What we see, ISN’T what our crush sees. What WE see ISN’T what that person who has a crush on US sees!
I could compare my cock size to the biggest of male models, my flabby dad bod to Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool ALLLLLL fucking day… and you know what… it’s not going to change a thing about me. I’m me. I’m MY body. And the moment we stop comparing… the moment we start adoring ourselves for the bodies we have… that’s when the true fun begins.
I hope you find someone who cherishes EVERY inch of your body! I hope you find someone who is SO obsessed with you they can never get enough!! And I hope you find someone to do the same for.
LOVE starts inside ourselves. I love you for you! Now it’s YOUR turn.
Oh… and you can ask any of my muses… my favorite parts of them aren’t the perfect breasts, or the pristine labia… it’s the little unique moles, the freckles, the wrinkles, and the scars. Those little things that make them DIFFERENT from every other body out there.