I don’t even remember the last time I posted here… it’s been a WHILE. A lot has happened… changed.
I put away my camera… at least for a while. I picked up my pen/pencil and I’ve begun a career as an artist. I wish I could say I don’t miss being a photographer. I DON’T miss feeling like I wanted to shoot but had no one to shoot. I don’t miss being ghosted after paying for locations. But I DO miss creating art, and feeling like I was a part of a team.
But now I get to use my pens to create visions for people that help them see. Not what a camera sees but what I see when I look at them. I’m able to help them see their fantasies realized. And… for some… I’m able to help heal wounds 🥰.
I may pick up my camera again… Lord knows I miss it! Until then… I guess I’ll just be a cool guy sitting here sharing my art. I hope y’all don’t mind! And MAYBE I’ll even get to make some art of you!!