I’ve always been that heavier guy… I hear skinny friends; the guys with dimples on their lower backs. The guys with six packs whose muscles bulged when they did just about anything. I always wanted to be one of them.
Getting out of my marriage, I had a little time where I could easily blame letting myself slide from military weight (175 with 15% body fat) to 265. I could say it was my ex’s baking or the typical “getting comfortable” thing that happens when you’re married for 12 years and have 2 kids.
But being honest. I just got lazy. I learned to make healthier choices! But I didn’t stay physically active. I let myself down. And I can’t blame it on anyone but me and I can’t rely on anyone but ME to fix it.
That having been said, I also recognize that getting back in shape and taking care of myself cannot come from a place of punishment or withholding, instead it must come from a place of love and acceptance.
I’m six years from 40 and I want to be the HOTTEST FUCKING 40 YEAR OLD YOU’VE EVER SEEN!! How do I get there from here?
I think I need to surround myself with positive and encouraging people! Anyone else need that in their lives?