I realized, last night, while driving home from a shoot in Chicago that I've been censoring myself. I've been "acting" to what society expects and what is "proper." And through all of that have completely lost track of WHO THE FUCK AM I... Yes, I'm a husband... a father... a son. A musician and a photographer. But those have NOTHING to do with the voice that's in my noggin. If you stripped ALL of this world from me, what would you have left?
I realized I didn't know. I have thoughts that I don't even notice anymore because they're improper to say. I was at a church event yesterday doing photography and I had SEVERAL women walk up to me and ask what I photograph and my HEART screamed to tell them I shoot beautiful women and I help empower them to find the sensuality and sexuality in their bones and how AMAZING it would be to serve them in the same way. Instead... I said I shoot portraits. :/ I didn't tell them about my passion to fight back against the increasing sexual violence and oncoming (and ever present) oppression of sexual expression by empowering women and creating a safe space where they can TRULY BE... themselves.
So. No more. I'm not going to be afraid of what someone is going to think of me if I tell them their booty looks GREAT in those jeans (I can't tell you HOW many of the moms I wanted to say that to yesterday). I'm not going to be afraid to tell someone I want to chat with them because A) I want to be their friend and B) I want to photograph them FOREVER.
This is a declaration. I am NOT luke-warm water. I am HOT... I am SPICY... and you'll either love me or hate me. And regardless of how you feel... I'll always love you, even if I don't even know you. Because that's who I AM!