I'm so stressed out about life. I have two classes (graduating in December! FINALLY!) Internship Tuesdays and Thursdays at ACORN (I'm the assistant to the political director), Special Olympics basketball coaching tuesday nights, and during all this I'm trying to get my medical clearance done for Peace Corps and have some semblance of a life. Um, not to mention WORK. Jesus. It's exhausting. I'm feeling stressed out right now, and tired (maybe that's just because i got done at the gym) Anyway, about a month till my set goes up... I better start preparing my thick skin. Although i do adore my set, i think it's cute and captures my sort of awkward cuteness. 
I hung out with my latest crush again the other night, it was awesome. It's hard not to get attached to the good ones. I wish i had a more consistant man friend in my life. How will i fit a search for one of those into my busy schedule??
Bill Clinton was at my school today. How awesome? except there was no parking. Oh to get felt up by Bill Clinton, a young democrats dream! ::sighs dreamily::
P.S. Birthday Pics!

I hung out with my latest crush again the other night, it was awesome. It's hard not to get attached to the good ones. I wish i had a more consistant man friend in my life. How will i fit a search for one of those into my busy schedule??
Bill Clinton was at my school today. How awesome? except there was no parking. Oh to get felt up by Bill Clinton, a young democrats dream! ::sighs dreamily::

P.S. Birthday Pics!