Hello world.. I am having a fantabulous day.. why?? because people have actually been very nice to me today & that makes me happy. Sure most of these nice people are online but still nice people make me happy!! I mean there is this guy Su from Suicide Boys who I expected to be a jerk to me but actually was so sweet I have no idea how to react.. then there is this girl Morgann is totally sweet too.. she has commented on my journal & I am very happy about it.. Any apprication I get & attention you know I'm happy.. I'm a Libra for god's sake.. expect these things from me!! I walked all the way to the store today to get beer.. big accomplishment.. I'm such a lazy bastard. Oh well.. such is life.. I am still looking forward to getting to Orlando soon! Wish me luck..

Last comment? I didn't see it either. . .I'm not the only one that shares this account though.
