a rant.
Oh great people of the United States (insert sarcasm here), it's time for you all to get a fucking grip on life/the world around you. The amount of backlash from people upset about this whole Duck Dynasty thing is fucking retarded. The internet age is an age of ignorance.
Yes, freedom of speech is a right given to us courtesy of 1st Amendment. You know what's not included in said amendment? Freedom of consequences from said statements...especially when it comes to an employer/employee relationship. You say something that causes controversy, they have every right to bar you from whatever it is your employed by them for.
The internet allows all of us to hide behind computers and say anything we want...and usually that comes with absolutely no consequences. Distance between people, anonymity of the internet, keyboard warriors...allows everyone to separate the freedom of speech to consequence. This is why everyone is up in arms. They can't seem to grasp the concept that, yes you are free to say what you want, but that doesn't mean you are free to go on living as though you never said it.
People make me facepalm so much...Yes, they are Christian, but just using that as a scapegoat and saying...I believe it because of my faith, is a cop out. Hell, a few years ago the ENTIRE CHURCH was against/very outspoken on the subject of homosexuality and gay marriage. Luckily, times are changing and they aren't forcing that down our throats anymore. No one was creating petitions online, threatening to boycott television networks, or any bullshit like that.
What will I do about this? Nothing. My life consists of bigger issues rather than some celebrity who caught some flak for making an "out of line" comment. I give 0 fucks about this. Honestly. I still have it forced down my throat by every TV channel, every radio station, and every website. If you really are THAT mad about some guy getting banned off of a TV show for making anti-gay remarks, or whatever the hell it is that he got banned for, you need to take a step back and evaluate yourself. This shouldn't be as big of an issue as it is. America...you make me sad. We are all a bunch of PC dickbags. Any ripple in the waters and people get hysterical.
Focus more on yourself.