Wednesday Feb 20, 2013 Feb 20, 2013 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS strongbhoy: I want that helmet too. I can see your dad wearing it when we tailgate next year. The Circus wasn't as good as last year. They had about 1/3 of the machines....not sure why. Still, pinball rules, but they didn't have some of our favorites (Star Trek, Johnny Mnemonic) but they did have the Addams Family. Feb 21, 2013 strongbhoy: hahahahaha. It's ok lillebror. Minnesota is just over the horizon. YOU STILL HAVE HOPES AND DREAMS! Feb 21, 2013
I can see your dad wearing it when we tailgate next year.
The Circus wasn't as good as last year. They had about 1/3 of the machines....not sure why.
Still, pinball rules, but they didn't have some of our favorites (Star Trek, Johnny Mnemonic) but they did have the Addams Family.
It's ok lillebror.
Minnesota is just over the horizon.