It's really good to be back, although I haven't been updating or devoting the necessary time to this project. I can only state that all my free time has been devoted to stripping wood work and packing. God, packing. That shit is already getting on my nerves. Of course when I move it decides to be 90 degrees out and muggy as a New Orleans swamp. It's been pretty toiling. However the end result will be great.
My friend is in town at the worst time possible as well because he wants to go out and kick it every night. Which is completely understandable, however I am trying to move. So It seems he has chosen a poor time in my life to visit.
I am doing the deed tomorrow and Sunday. I have alot of shit. Damn alot of shit.
The Acid Mother's Temple show is coming uo on the 27th of May. Ooohwee will that be a kickass time. I highly suggest that people near the Cleveland, OH area go to this. $10. Can't beat it. That's 3 cups of Starbuck's coffee for Christ's sake. Or two sandwiches as your local fried slop joint. Whiskey, I'm talkin' to you.
As far as the news lately. Geeez. What can I say. I embaressed to be an American. I find myself getting angrier with each passing day and the more I learn, the more I'm left in disbelief. Started reading a book called 'Ghost Wars'-'The secret history of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet invasion to September 10, 2001'. I'm getting sucked into this book quite quickly. I want to know what the hell has been going on with this country in relation to other people in the world and where all this hatred is coming from. Other than our President and his administration's arrogance. Anyways.....
Tuesday my service will be cut off until the 23rd I beleive. So I will try and update regularly until then. Thank you all for the kind words and open arms. Peace to you.
My friend is in town at the worst time possible as well because he wants to go out and kick it every night. Which is completely understandable, however I am trying to move. So It seems he has chosen a poor time in my life to visit.
I am doing the deed tomorrow and Sunday. I have alot of shit. Damn alot of shit.
The Acid Mother's Temple show is coming uo on the 27th of May. Ooohwee will that be a kickass time. I highly suggest that people near the Cleveland, OH area go to this. $10. Can't beat it. That's 3 cups of Starbuck's coffee for Christ's sake. Or two sandwiches as your local fried slop joint. Whiskey, I'm talkin' to you.

As far as the news lately. Geeez. What can I say. I embaressed to be an American. I find myself getting angrier with each passing day and the more I learn, the more I'm left in disbelief. Started reading a book called 'Ghost Wars'-'The secret history of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet invasion to September 10, 2001'. I'm getting sucked into this book quite quickly. I want to know what the hell has been going on with this country in relation to other people in the world and where all this hatred is coming from. Other than our President and his administration's arrogance. Anyways.....
Tuesday my service will be cut off until the 23rd I beleive. So I will try and update regularly until then. Thank you all for the kind words and open arms. Peace to you.
Welcome back yo! I was starting to wonder if you vanished.
in the word of j mascis..... where you been?