Everytime I look on someone's journal they're leaving. It's bumming me out. I feel I have been under-aggressive in picking friend's ,but I really enjoy and appreciate you all. My list is small but it's filled with integrity. I don't have one bullshitter in there. Even if I don't write that much, I still look forward to coming here when I can. There are some lame things about this site as with everything. But that's why you create the experience that fits you. Then nuture it. I don't know, I just hate to see people lose heart. Most things are worthwhile....
Fine friendship requires duration rather
than fitful intensity.
Fine friendship requires duration rather
than fitful intensity.
i am definitely planning on going
the new album is sweet
have you heard his other band
they are on Temporary Residence
if you like FOUR TET they ahve a similar sound but with three guys playing instead of just him sampling
its a little more organic and safer i guess but very pretty
we should meet up if you are going to the show
lemme know
if you want it ill burn it for ya
lemme know