I don't think it is that bad...!! It is just a kids movie after all and well yes it defiently is a marketing whore.. geez did you see how early the figures for the next movie were in the shops??!
Although.. I am going to see the next one on sunday night.. gold class... recliner chairs and alcohol... hahah.. it will rule.. (i have never been to gold class before!
Going for my bike licence this week, wish me luck.
Next I have to find a financial institution criminally negligent enough to provide me with a line of credit.
So that I might be able to tear-arse around the high roads and by roads of Brisbane.
The Season of Autumn
Last seen with a functioning ozone layer. Autumn is described as... Read More
good luck, oh and Australian Finance Direct gave me the money for my last bike without asking too many embarrassing questions, mind you they charge like a bull that has just been kicked in the balls.
Autumn what the fuck is that I think I have read about it somewhere....
haha.. the seasons are all seriously fucked up.. summers are getting way too hot and too long now.. and winter seems to last for like 1 week or something... crazy..!! imagine what it is going to be like in about 10 years!!
Good luck with your bike license! but be fucking careful.. i know too many people who have had bike accidents!!