well, the shame campaign begins. i been stickering helping make banners.
just finding ways to make the people who ran scurrying from the dreaded 'interest rate monster' feel crummy about themselves..
BTW (dumbasses.). interest rates are determined by the reserve bank of australia, not the incumbent govt.
if that 's not a cry for help from our education system...
anywho, good on the people who did the right thing, we should coordinate using this intarweb thing i heard so much about.
and piss in the damn eyes of anyone who voted for howard. it's amazing how near 70 years of social capital can be blown by 8 years of ideological vandalism.
maintain tha youknowwhat
just finding ways to make the people who ran scurrying from the dreaded 'interest rate monster' feel crummy about themselves..
BTW (dumbasses.). interest rates are determined by the reserve bank of australia, not the incumbent govt.
if that 's not a cry for help from our education system...
anywho, good on the people who did the right thing, we should coordinate using this intarweb thing i heard so much about.
and piss in the damn eyes of anyone who voted for howard. it's amazing how near 70 years of social capital can be blown by 8 years of ideological vandalism.

Yeah,l seriously!