@nomalez tagged me in the "Top 3 Movies/Movies you seen a bajillion times" game that has been going around. I will do 3 Ive seen a bajillion times but not necessarily my top 3 of all time. The are in no particular order either.
This was one of my favorite movies as a kid. I can quote half the movie or more. I think that is part of the reason my girlfriend is with me haha.
Saving Silverman
I watched Saving Silverman a ton in High School. I can quote most of this movie as well. This was the beginning of my affection for Jack Black films. Little did I know that Tenacious D and Nacho Libre would come along a few years later. Steve Zahn kills in this too. I think he is a bit of an underrated actor especially in comedic roles.
Around the time the Superbad DVD came out I went through my first (and so far only) major heartbreak (knock on wood). During the depressed period following the break up I watched Superbad pretty much every day. I would easily put this in my top 5 comedies of all time. I think the laughter took a bit of the sting off of the break up. The quotable lines in Superbad are some of the best ever! I even quote obscure lines most people don't know like "Good shit, right Miroki?"
Honorable Mentions:
Jurassic Park
Silence of the Lambs
Nacho Libre
Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny
the Girl Next Door
the Great Outdoors
Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke
American History X
Fight Club
Young Frankenstein
Blazing Saddles
Trading Places
In Bruges
Almost Famous
The Dark Knight
Good Will Hunting
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Die Hard
Requiem for a Dream
Young Guns
I could keep going but I will stop there. There are a ton of others I could mention like IT and Star Wars but then I would be here all day typing this up. So to wrap it up I nominate @torie @leviathan @marajade @libris @wizard0 and @dk to do their top3 movies/movies they have seen a bajillion times.