Well shit.
I forgot to do one last week. After remembering while at work and forgetting to do one when I got home. So this week I will do two to make up for the missed on.
What is a random start? Its a blog idea I stole where you put your Itunes/ipod/whatever on shuffle and discuss the first song that comes up no mater what.
First song:
John Frusciante - A Loop
About 8 years ago I was a member of a SF 49ers message board. They stunk during that time (like they do now) and unsurprisingly we discussed music and other things more than football. One member informed me that John Frusciante had numerous solo albums outside of the the RHCP. Now in my personal opinion Frusciante makes the RHCP. I don't care for the early stuff particularly and the current iteration is no bueno to me. His solo stuff is all over the place some being experimental some being more alt rock like you would expect. This song and album aren't my favorites but they are good and I enjoy them than the straight up experimental stuff.
Track two:
I came across the Album Leaf through the sonic cathedrals playlist curated by Ben Sharp (aka Cloudkicker). The song on that playlist really stuck with me. I was in an ambient/post-rock phase and it was the prefect instrumental music at the moment. I still really like what I have heard from him. That was called the light, if you are familiar with the show Scandal it was used as the "love theme" for Olivia and Fitz in the earlier seasons. This song I am not too familiar with but I dig what I have from the Album Leaf.
I'll try to be better and not forget....or this may being an every other week thing. If I remember...
If you end up doing your own Random Start let me know. I'd like to see what pops up for others.