So this weeks @bloghomework from @rambo @missy and @lyxzen is about Internet BFFs.
"E-freinds" or internet friends have been a big part of my life. Some people think it's strange or don't get how people I have never met can mean something to me. Some of these people know me better than friends and acquaintances in the physical world. It is funny though. I am not one who calls everyone a friend, but I fully embrace that people can truly connect without ever meeting each other.
I have two parts to this. The first is outside the SG community.
There area bout 10 guys that the group of us have been "e-friends" for about 8 years give or take. We all "met" on the San Francisco 49ers message board and to this day keep in touch and chat almost every day. Some of us have met each other some, some haven't met any. We all discuss having a Vegas trip or something one day getting the whole group together to for the first time in person. I hope it does happen.
During my year (I know it's close to my SG anniversary) I have made connections with some kick ass people. Now would these people be friends? Acquaintances? Who cares cause Fuck Labels but these are people who I am meeting or would meet in real life.
@_finklestein_ -the Bro-down is going to happen. September is a couple months away and its gonna be so on. I won't lie. If the sombrero doesn't make an appearance I will be a little disappointed.
@eirenne - We could talk about music and listen to Brand New or Explosions in the Sky all day. Plus we both love the beach so music and the beach is a heavenly combination.
@aniston - I just want to eat donuts with her. ALL THE DONUTS. Every flavor. We could have deep philosophical conversations about donuts like "Are Apple Fritters donuts?" (I have heard this debate before)
@ivylina - Video games, music, space talk...actually I could listen to her talk about anything cause I love her accent so much. We could even go to one of the bars that do Turtle races! How amazing would that be!?
I could go on forever. There are so many kick ass people in this community. Periscope has really been awesome with the SGs and Hopefuls sharing their personalities and who they really are.
Until next time.