So I am going to do a Blog Homework for the first time since the topic @Rambo gave this week got the ol' brain juices flowing.
Having worked retail and/or customer service most of my working life most of my pet peeves are focused on people. So the short answer is people but I will go into more detail.
1) Lack of punctuality/tardiness/flaking - This one gets to me the most, and from reading others its quite common. I am super punctual. There are few things I hate more than being late. If you tell me be there by 10 I will be there at 9:45 at the latest. The whole "fashionably late" thing does not compute for me. With some friends I make sure I arrive 10-15min later than they say to meet them cause they are almost always late by that amount of time. And if you can't give me at least a hours notice before bailing on our plans then F YOU!
2) Drivers - I didn't know how to title this one but I hate Drivers who cause traffic. The people who get into the fast lane of a 2 lane road and then go the same speed as the car next to them (usual right at or under the speed limit) making others unable to pass and causing traffic to back up. This kills me as my commute is 1 hr each way. Next are the tourists/snowbirds/old people who drive 20-30 under the speed limit. This is usually in some combination of having the blinker on for miles and/or slowing at every intersection come almost to a stop then proceeding thru because you don't know where you are going or shouldn't be driving because you are too damn old. Also the drivers who change lanes in front of you THEN SLOW DOWN. Why did you change lanes to slow down!? GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY! Ok...deep breathes. We're calm, we are good. Moving on.
3) Ladies, your responses to the one unanswerable question "Where do you want to eat/go to dinner" - I don't know what it is ladies but all of you seem to have the same answers to this one. "I don't care" "Whatever/Wherever you want" "I don't feel like anything particular so anything really". To go along with those are the times you know what you want but refuse to actually tell us. "We could get Thai"...are you asking or telling!? Of course we could get thai food, if thats what you want JUST FUCKING SAY SO!
4) Nickle n Dimers - This one comes from retail/customer service experiences and is the most common problem I face at my library. Let me set the scene....a woman comes up and sets down her Gucci purse on the counter, hands me the keys to her luxury car (usually BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, Cadillac), and I pull up her library account. Oh she has a fine of $0.75...yes HUGE MONEY at $0.75 and proceeds to argue and get hostile over the 75 FUCKING CENTS. Really lady? You have a 50k+ car and a purse that's probably over $1k and the 75 cents is going to put you out on the street!? Go check your center console you probably have $3 in change in there!
Part B to that usually happens with friends. If we go out and you pay for me with the agreement I pay next time good. Fine and dandy. What drives me crazy are the ones who keep track of who spent what. Personally I dont care if I buy you dinner and its $35 and you pay the next time its a burrito for $8. In my mind we are even, meal for meal. I have had friends and former roommates who would keep track and say shit like "The burrito you bought me was $5 and your share of the pizza we got was $9 so you still owe me $4". I hate that maybe its just my easy going mentality that meal for meal is good enough. Maybe if you need to keep track of every penny you spend you shouldn't be going out to begin with!?
5) "Im Broke" Complainers - These are people who are always complaining/mentioning how broke they are/phone is shut off/etc yet always seem to have money to go out every Tuesday, go to concerts, get a new purse/shoes/camera/TV/etc, get new tattoos, etc. etc. SHUT UP! It's your own damn fault! Don't blow all of your money!
6) Poor Tippers - I have a least 1 friend who won't tip more than 10% but expects to have world class service no matter what. Ridiculous! The only time to tip poorly is if service is awful and there isnt a legit excuse for it. I don't punish servers/staff when they are obviously short staffed/overwhelmed and obviously doing the best they can. One time I was out with a group and a couple made a comment like "well its her tip" after the waitress brought out the food for the other 4 people at the table and not theirs...WTF!?!?!? She has two arms and brought out all she could, then immediately brought out the other food.
7) Your Fuck ups are not my fault - Another I don't know what call. This is another one that comes up often at the Library. These are the people who return their books/dvds/etc late and blame US for them being late and refuse to pay the fines. You turning your items in on time is not my responsibility. Its not my fault you ignored the email saying your items were going to be due in a few days. Its not my fault that you didn't look at the receipt to see what the do day was. It is not my problem that you forgot to return them before you left for vacation. It's your own damn fault so suck it up, pay your fines, and deal with it. It's not my problem!
Ok I think thats enough. I could probably go on for days and days. I came up with some and forgot some while I was typing. Some of those probably arent even pet peeves, and are just straight HATES haha. Once again we are breathing. We are relaxed. We are fine.
PS. While reading @arya_'s pet peeves I was reminded of another...this is probably my #1 so I'm really surprised I forgot about it til now...
8) Co-workers who don't clean up after themselves - Our break room at work generally has treats someone has brought in or left overs from an event/meeting in our Library. Almost every day there is empty packaging lying around. Is it so hard to throw away the package when you take the last cookie? There are usually 7 trash cans in the break room!!! THROW IT AWAY. I'm also constantly pushing in seems to be a lost art these days. But what irritates me the most are the ones who leave the coffee station a mess. I'm constantly cleaning up spills, water drips, and tossing out the grounds and filters people have left behind. I DON'T EVEN DRINK COFFEE. The filter/grounds thing is bothersome since it causes water to drip from the machine (he have a fancy machine bought through a local coffee shop) so there isn't a pot sitting underneath. So if someone doesnt toss out the grounds this causes a big puddle to form under the machine and water to build up around the brew basket so when someone (USUALLY ME!) dumps it there is a good amount of water dumped onto the counter. ARGH!!!!
Ok second rant over. Back to your regularly scheduled SG activies.