I am going back a couple @bloghomework 's for this one.
Today I have seen both @abbeyso and @saturn post on IG asking if we would like to see a multi from them on SG. This reminded me of the top item on my SG wishlist (aside from certain hopefuls going pink...I'm lookin at you @dk make it happen @sean @missy). Back on topic...my top...
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So happy and excited for @ivylina . @missy @rambo @kiley @sean and all the other staff I will stop bugging/tagging everything about making her pink. I think my hashtags on IG today did their job. Everyone go give this girl some love!
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@nomalez tagged me in the "Top 3 Movies/Movies you seen a bajillion times" game that has been going around. I will do 3 Ive seen a bajillion times but not necessarily my top 3 of all time. The are in no particular order either.
This was one of my favorite movies as a kid. I can quote half the movie or more. I think
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