dying is similar to sleeping.
the mind continues to live on
after the body vehicle is dust.
this is the dreaming.
perhaps this is why i have such difficulty with sleeping.
im really afraid to die.
it is my work in this life to make peace with it
and use the time i am alive to make a good death
when it is my time to go.
this is why i feel its important for me to find more
direction with what i already have.
and also why having less means more.
it also gives space to breathe,
wich is step one.
the mind continues to live on
after the body vehicle is dust.
this is the dreaming.
perhaps this is why i have such difficulty with sleeping.
im really afraid to die.
it is my work in this life to make peace with it
and use the time i am alive to make a good death
when it is my time to go.
this is why i feel its important for me to find more
direction with what i already have.
and also why having less means more.
it also gives space to breathe,
wich is step one.
I reaally don't understand it when people send me a "friend request" when I don't even know who they are. I'm like
"what the..?"
That's like some stranger walking up to you at the busstop and saying "will you be my friend" or something equally strange.
So--- I never do it to anybody else either.
Unless, of course, like just now, when I go to click on the "bookmark me as interesting" link, and the mouse skips at the precise moment of clicking... thereby sending off the crazed man at the busstop approach.
oh well, hi.
(* I have had some awfully terrifying experiences with the sleep scenario. I think they are called night terrors, but maybe not because I've only had like 3 experiences like it in about 20 years. I wake up in the middle of the night, still in my bed, but paralyzed. I try to move but can't. I try to call out, but can't. on one occasion, I found myself in the same state, but I was actually floating about 3 feet above my bed and I couldn't get back down.
I think there is a major linkage between sleep and death, and I bet in some languages that I don't know, their word for sleep probably has some translation to do with death....*)