im so glad its almost over!
by january 3rd or so it will all be a distant memory.
as you may have guessed i really really do not enjoy xmas.
if xmas were only one day thatd be one thing
but that it drags on and on and on..well thats quite
another. at least its now on the way out.
for the record, im an not a christian.
i am only vaguely pagan/bhuddist.
im also somewhat atheistic.
xmas is more or less just another day to me.
to be perfectly honest this time of year depresses me a bit.
its dark and cold.
i do like the lights a bit.
at least that seems sensible.
what i see is people stuff themselves and buy way more than they can typically afford.
they want to spread "good feelings" around but it usually only is during the holiday season.
and/or spending time with loved ones etc.
what about the rest of the year?
do we just neglect these things the other 11 months of the year?
then work too hard to pay off the shit we cant afford?
it seems to be so.
then theres also the expectation to put a "price tag" on how much you love someone.
it seems expectations likely do not meet with reality.
then the spending post xmas cheer haggling at a return counter somewhere.
good times.
i do have some respect for those desperate to give gifts to make them themselves.
something like that has more resonance to me personally.
there is also the wierder and sadder living thing cut down as a decoration,
intensely loved for a few weeks maybe then dumped by the curbside.
its feakin depressing.
on the bright side i do indeed enjoy the quiet streets.
everyone is inside sleeping it off, the peacefulness is bliss.
too bad that cant last either.
my "warm fuzzies" come from looking forward to return to some sense of normalcy.
the stupid crap will soon be over.
whew, another year survived.
your thoughts?
by january 3rd or so it will all be a distant memory.
as you may have guessed i really really do not enjoy xmas.
if xmas were only one day thatd be one thing
but that it drags on and on and on..well thats quite
another. at least its now on the way out.
for the record, im an not a christian.
i am only vaguely pagan/bhuddist.
im also somewhat atheistic.
xmas is more or less just another day to me.
to be perfectly honest this time of year depresses me a bit.
its dark and cold.
i do like the lights a bit.
at least that seems sensible.
what i see is people stuff themselves and buy way more than they can typically afford.
they want to spread "good feelings" around but it usually only is during the holiday season.
and/or spending time with loved ones etc.
what about the rest of the year?
do we just neglect these things the other 11 months of the year?
then work too hard to pay off the shit we cant afford?
it seems to be so.
then theres also the expectation to put a "price tag" on how much you love someone.
it seems expectations likely do not meet with reality.
then the spending post xmas cheer haggling at a return counter somewhere.
good times.
i do have some respect for those desperate to give gifts to make them themselves.
something like that has more resonance to me personally.
there is also the wierder and sadder living thing cut down as a decoration,
intensely loved for a few weeks maybe then dumped by the curbside.
its feakin depressing.
on the bright side i do indeed enjoy the quiet streets.
everyone is inside sleeping it off, the peacefulness is bliss.
too bad that cant last either.
my "warm fuzzies" come from looking forward to return to some sense of normalcy.
the stupid crap will soon be over.
whew, another year survived.
your thoughts?
Hope you are well.
People in Western civilization have always looked for excuses to cheer themselves up around the winter solstice. The Romans had something called "Saturnalia" where they drank riotously and turened their society upside down for a few days. The Christians sort of co-opted the holiday and invented Christmas.