God is neither male nor female. Or both. I use "He" simply that is what I am accustomed to. Also I had a great father who modeled what God is like for me. I can perfectly understand how those that didn't, don't.
What do you love?
The look in a child's eyes when they are content. The rush that comes from doing something for someone else for absolutely no reason. Laying down for bed after a long hot shower after a hard, productive day.
What is love?
Patience, gentleness, absolute overwhelming joy, sacrifice, goodness, unity. (And lots of other platitudes as well)
What does courage look like?
Being completely and totally overwhelmed be knee knocking, mind numbing fear. Then stepping over it and beyond it anyways.
I never seem to be able to define love, but its sure lonely without it.
Courage is setting aside your fear and doing what you must do.
What do you love?
The look in a child's eyes when they are content. The rush that comes from doing something for someone else for absolutely no reason. Laying down for bed after a long hot shower after a hard, productive day.
What is love?
Patience, gentleness, absolute overwhelming joy, sacrifice, goodness, unity. (And lots of other platitudes as well)
What does courage look like?
Being completely and totally overwhelmed be knee knocking, mind numbing fear. Then stepping over it and beyond it anyways.