bike lust
i cant stand it... the object of my lust...
i think i probably have the worst case
of bike lust in the whole history of the universe.
ive been bitten by the bug. but in all
honestly, actually my bike lust has been
lurking for many years now. i remember
even the first ride i had at age 7....lately
its just recently resurfaced with a vengance!
this is bike below is just too sexy for words.
if all goes according to plan, my endorsement
next month. then bike shopping! yay!!
its a buell firebolt and while its not a euro-bike
it still blows my lil mind.
(also my only small complaint being its color.
im not a big fan of yellow. i think either
just ninja black or naked metal would be
a better choice. but thats just me ...) :
check this baby out:
i cant stand it... the object of my lust...
i think i probably have the worst case
of bike lust in the whole history of the universe.
ive been bitten by the bug. but in all
honestly, actually my bike lust has been
lurking for many years now. i remember
even the first ride i had at age 7....lately
its just recently resurfaced with a vengance!
this is bike below is just too sexy for words.
if all goes according to plan, my endorsement
next month. then bike shopping! yay!!
its a buell firebolt and while its not a euro-bike
it still blows my lil mind.
(also my only small complaint being its color.
im not a big fan of yellow. i think either
just ninja black or naked metal would be
a better choice. but thats just me ...) :
check this baby out: