i know its been a little while since ive posted and whatnot.
especially the whatnot part. my business has been expanding
slowly and i am building some momentum now wich feels
something else i have been getting into is building computer
systems for a local non-profit. yes, i am really this geeky.
for fun i like to take apart computers and build new(ish) ones
out of the pieces. its oddly satisfying after spending so much
time on the design and software side of things for so long.
while im missing a little knuckle skin, my experience with
computers is continuing to grow. this also feels good.
the other strange thing is--this organization i am now
volunteering with is only (2!) two blocks from my home.
until thursday i had no idea they even exsisted. funny to me
that i need the internet so i can find places 2 blocks away.
additionally i am continuing with the 1.5 to 2 hours of yoga
daily. my body is changing, its pretty interesting. i realize its sort of
contra-yoga to take pride in doing a bit more advanced asanas
but nevertheless...
life is interesting and my future is bright.

tell me what you got.
if its anything from p2's to 4's were interested!