i/mage mag/ic magician imagination mage mag/net imagic imagnetic imagenetic imagenesis
imagicthe image is the heart of magic which is made by imaginationwhat we see in the minds eye makes magicmakes us magicthe magewho casts the netthe magenetmagic magnetnet of subtle powerdripping into the lifestreamglowing in the darka web that surrounds the earth her bodymagnetic fieldimagnetichow we are attracted to magicit draws us inwe are fish caught in a magic netimageneticbecause our genes remember, our cells remember, the source. the orgin, the beginingimagenesiscreation out of imagefrom the image all is bornall is magicimagnosisthis, through what we imagine, we know.
starhawk, the spiral dance
imagicthe image is the heart of magic which is made by imaginationwhat we see in the minds eye makes magicmakes us magicthe magewho casts the netthe magenetmagic magnetnet of subtle powerdripping into the lifestreamglowing in the darka web that surrounds the earth her bodymagnetic fieldimagnetichow we are attracted to magicit draws us inwe are fish caught in a magic netimageneticbecause our genes remember, our cells remember, the source. the orgin, the beginingimagenesiscreation out of imagefrom the image all is bornall is magicimagnosisthis, through what we imagine, we know.
starhawk, the spiral dance
I imagine beauty and I see you
I hope you're doing well, my lady.