On the other side of my vest is a standard Ramones patch. Just the classic logo literally every person has. Fun fact, Blitzkrieg Bop is one of the only songs I can play on bass. I'm pretty terrible at bass XD
Blow that is a Misfits patch for the song Die Die My Darling. One of my favourite Misftis songs lyrically. Not so much mastering wise, but isn't that part of the draw of the Misfits? No, just for me? Ok.
The one on the other side of the vest is I realize, almost impossible to interpret XD. It's a hand lighting a Molotov. It's the old school logo of Rage Against the Machine. Cut from a shirt given to me by an old housemate because she didn't actually listen to the band. The shirt was horrible to wear (serious RATM wft was that made out of) so I cut it out and slapped it onto my vest. Way better that way.
Stitched to my Battle Bra (..?) is a Bullet patch. For the song from Satanic Age. In poor taste? Probably. But isn't most of the Misfits work?
Now, the one on my butt. I'm not going to tell you the name of this band. It's a local band to my city and I might know one of the members. Let's just say, learn from Eleanor's mistake. Don't think with your dick (metaphorical or otherwise) and don't trust boys in bands.
Do you like any of these bands? Want to fight about one of my choices? Let me know ;P
Check out the full set for full size/quality images. Show it some love if you can :) I'll send you some love back