Well a few things
Firstly my dog lucky of 12 years passed away earlier this week, I'm still pretty bummed about it and have been still in habit of feeding him and walk times, he'd been fighting an infection for a while and the vet said he had a 50/50 chance of living through it and he as doing good towards the end but I guess it just got to him ah well rest in peace lucky you were a good friend
1999- Jan 2010

So I've been occupying my time so I don't turn into a sad mess for my dog is I've been watching a lot of movies, just got District 9 which I saw in theaters and dug it and the blu-ray is just as kick ass.

I also got Hurt Locker which my buddy Sean Tells me is excellent.

On top of that I also got Moon which is ANOTHER really well recommended film Duncan Jones is suppose to be one of those elite up and coming directors.

Also I've been playing borderlands on the 360 it's a fun little run and gun with strong RPG elements kinda like Fallout 3 but with multiplayer which is awesome.

Also I don't know how many of you game but I'm on the 360 and PS3 so send a friend request ImperiusRex415 is my tag for both systems,
Firstly my dog lucky of 12 years passed away earlier this week, I'm still pretty bummed about it and have been still in habit of feeding him and walk times, he'd been fighting an infection for a while and the vet said he had a 50/50 chance of living through it and he as doing good towards the end but I guess it just got to him ah well rest in peace lucky you were a good friend
1999- Jan 2010

So I've been occupying my time so I don't turn into a sad mess for my dog is I've been watching a lot of movies, just got District 9 which I saw in theaters and dug it and the blu-ray is just as kick ass.

I also got Hurt Locker which my buddy Sean Tells me is excellent.

On top of that I also got Moon which is ANOTHER really well recommended film Duncan Jones is suppose to be one of those elite up and coming directors.

Also I've been playing borderlands on the 360 it's a fun little run and gun with strong RPG elements kinda like Fallout 3 but with multiplayer which is awesome.

Also I don't know how many of you game but I'm on the 360 and PS3 so send a friend request ImperiusRex415 is my tag for both systems,
My thoughts are with you hunny xx
My PS3 tag is vongeek if you ever want to add me