I'm old.
I'm starting to get into Dubstep and I've been listening to Chrispy and Datsik. Any other suggestions?
Thanks - Its been to long
Glad your back. Happy new job sir
hope its going well xx

You have a little something in your mouth right there..
I heard you proper love Dr Who
lol and yes the UK is beautiful 

So let's see what I have been doing
-Turned 26 on the 21st.
-Got a sun burn from being out cooking all day.
-Got all caught up on Doctor Who
-Formed a fight club
-then broke fight club up
-did a lot of talking about shooting another short and still doing pre production on it.
-Made my world famous BBQ sauce
Pretty much that's it....
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-Turned 26 on the 21st.
-Got a sun burn from being out cooking all day.
-Got all caught up on Doctor Who
-Formed a fight club
-then broke fight club up
-did a lot of talking about shooting another short and still doing pre production on it.
-Made my world famous BBQ sauce
Pretty much that's it....
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I hate sunburns
Happy belated birthday hope it was a good one

I'm ALIVE... just FYI. Been busy doing super secret stuff.
Yeah, it would've been an all around ass-raping if England's goalie hadn't made that hilariously embarassing flub. But meh. Let's take what we get I guess. lol
Oh how I love being wrong at the oddest times. Just my reactions of "wait...WHAT?" It doesn't happen often but certain realization and having that response I think is brilliant mostly I suppose it cause it's a surprise.
Anyway yeah I'm trying to memorize lines for the next shoot but I just get distracted. It's funny stuff but yeah I see something shiny I go...
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Anyway yeah I'm trying to memorize lines for the next shoot but I just get distracted. It's funny stuff but yeah I see something shiny I go...
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how is that? I thought about getting it and giving it a read 


Ever have one of those weeks where you feel like you forgot something but for the life of you can't remember what. I've been having that and deja vu a lot also, I dunno weird times. So yeah not much, I'm hooked on this song by Pomplamoose... Brilliant it really is awesome some of you might recognize it .