
Rilo Kiley show tonight. It's a race aginst the social anxiety tonight. If i find my nice Cozy corner I'll be sittin pretty. Overall, Good Times.
Speaking of harmonics I've been totally craving that martin acustic. rawr.


I think this was one of the worst migranes that i've ever had. It's crazy how your brain can hurt so much that you vomit. On top of that, Ariale was all stressed out todaywhich made it even harder. I just wish i could have been there for her more so she knew how much i cared.

Trading Spaces:

1 month to go and the apartment is ALL MINE! woot. with that in mind i am obsessed with idea that i get to decorate and accumulate all my own things. Williams & Sonoma i love you. Thank you for the perfect mixing bowls that will perfectly match my perfect (soon to be) orange kitchen. I just have to decide on the color...
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I love Paige Davis
I never got to see that. My friend told me about it though. Needless to say we were very broken up, ha. But yes she still is a cutie.
Near Disaster:

It sucks when someone you thought was a friend crosses that gap and laments all these feelings for you. Especially when they Know you're with someone.

Ugh. It's almost like a violation of trust.

i know the feeling.
when that happens, and you cant straighten things out, its like you just lose a good friend. it has taken me a year to repair one of those. to that i say 'stupid boys! stupid!'

sorry to hear that....and the best of luck.
nice scarf.