hello loves. so i am using a crap old phone until i can save up for a new one. frustrating! lolz. i started work monday, i really like my new job. i am excited to see snow white & the huntsman tonight with pandabear. i love charlize theron, kristen stewart & chris hemsworth so i have very high hopes! my friend moo and his parents took me out to lunch today which was lovely. and i went to the dentist which was not haha. still hoping to go pink. go ahead and comment on my set if you want to see me on the fp! it would be an honor. pretty boring update, sorry! let me know what you want to hear more about on my blog. much love to ya! <3
- elaquara. xx
- elaquara. xx
i have no doubts you'll go pink girl your amazing! and the movie was pretty good.. it was probubly the most girly action movie i've ever seen if that makes u feel better lol
haha thanks love! <3 xx