hello loves! how are you all doing today? i have to say i am quite exhausted. i have been job hunting for hours. i found one job at an exotic animal shelter that i realllllllly want. i also got into a fight with my old job because i left there over a month ago refuses to give me my last check. they claim it's in the mail now. yeah'okay. i will believe that when i see it. i hate how much money rules the world we live in. i know it's necessary but the cycle of unemployment and poverty is hard to break. a little less than a year ago i was actually homeless because i couldn't find work. i am lucky to have a loving family and supportive friends who helped me through my hardest times. i used to be so ashamed and embarrassed of the time i spent homeless but since then i have realized that it is a cold, hard reality for so many people. next time you think to judge a homeless person please stop yourself and think of how you would feel if that was you. i grew up in a middle class home. i worked hard in high school and got scholarships to college and yet i still ended up homeless so be aware it can happen to anyone.
sorry for my self-righteous rant but i just have had strong feelings on this for a while and i want to be honest and open on my blog. well, i am still wishing to go pink and asking for your support and comments on my set, "Game Over". i am going to include as an end to this post one of my favourite pictures from the set. enjoy!
- elaquara. xx
sorry for my self-righteous rant but i just have had strong feelings on this for a while and i want to be honest and open on my blog. well, i am still wishing to go pink and asking for your support and comments on my set, "Game Over". i am going to include as an end to this post one of my favourite pictures from the set. enjoy!

- elaquara. xx
@sunshine LOVE mastiffs. i love all bully breeds. i am so jealous, he is so cute! xx