good afternoon suicide girls, hopefuls and members! still applying for jobs like a madman. cleaned the house today and then ate like a pig! haha. the weather seems lovely so i plan on practicing some archery later on.
i watched 'eight legged freaks' with speakerboxxx for a good laugh. i swear she watched the whole thing and when i laughed at how pathetic it was at times speaker would raise up her front legs as if she was pointing and laughing too! after that it was time for her to go back into her habitat because i had to fold laundry lolz. now i'm finishing up laundry and watching 'animal cops'. soooo sad. :[ i aim to be an animal control officer or at least work in that field once i'm done with schooling. i love animals more than people most time haha. i can't wait to save up and move out again to an apartment where i can have a cat and/or dog again.
still haven't gone pink but i'm not losing hope at all! thank all of you lovely people who have supported me! spread the love, tell your friends about my set "Game Over" in member review! i'll leave you loves with a picture of me with my trusty bow and arrow.
- Elaquara. xx
i watched 'eight legged freaks' with speakerboxxx for a good laugh. i swear she watched the whole thing and when i laughed at how pathetic it was at times speaker would raise up her front legs as if she was pointing and laughing too! after that it was time for her to go back into her habitat because i had to fold laundry lolz. now i'm finishing up laundry and watching 'animal cops'. soooo sad. :[ i aim to be an animal control officer or at least work in that field once i'm done with schooling. i love animals more than people most time haha. i can't wait to save up and move out again to an apartment where i can have a cat and/or dog again.
still haven't gone pink but i'm not losing hope at all! thank all of you lovely people who have supported me! spread the love, tell your friends about my set "Game Over" in member review! i'll leave you loves with a picture of me with my trusty bow and arrow.
- Elaquara. xx

that always helps lol oh but if you had a real bow with some camo and did a set for that
OMG that would be pretty epic lol

the set would either be called night hawk or the missing everdeen. if you get both references you get a brownie point! haha. xx