I'm back in New York. Last week, I got to spend a lot of time with friends and family, it was great. I just don't feel like I've had any time to just sit down and relax. I didn't get to go see a lot of people that I wanted to see and I didn't get to do a lot of the things that I wanted to do. I'm really bummed out about it. I just had shit going on like every day or the times that I had free they didn't. Hopefully she'll be able to come up to New York and stay with me soon!!!
On a better note, I got a new tattoo the other day, it's so sweet!! I'll post a picture of it later on today. You'll love it!!!
well even if you don't love it, I do. =]
If you can guess what it is, I'll make you something.

On a better note, I got a new tattoo the other day, it's so sweet!! I'll post a picture of it later on today. You'll love it!!!
well even if you don't love it, I do. =]
If you can guess what it is, I'll make you something.

Probably best that I don't subscribe.
And tsk tsk for not posting a photo of you new tattoo.