Yay, the weekend of fun was indeed fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Went out and got veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerry drunk, met the cutest girl who I was getting on so well with....So far sooooo good
then my friend was sick EVERYWHERE
Why, god, me? Friends.....could kill the boy for not being able to hold his ale.
Luckily, don't have the same problem
which meant I got the fun
"convince the bouncers to let us out nicely" job!!!!! Yay me!
We also had the case of the projectile vomit from the taxi window job......
Cue exit stage left from taxi number 1......
wait 20 mins in the tropical British climate, then enter taxi number 2 from stage right!
Not quite the end to my interesting week (if you missed the story of the boy who likes his nan's tits, more fool you, where have you been?
) that I was after, but hey - least I got me some beer

Went out and got veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerry drunk, met the cutest girl who I was getting on so well with....So far sooooo good

then my friend was sick EVERYWHERE

Why, god, me? Friends.....could kill the boy for not being able to hold his ale.

Luckily, don't have the same problem

"convince the bouncers to let us out nicely" job!!!!! Yay me!
We also had the case of the projectile vomit from the taxi window job......
Cue exit stage left from taxi number 1......
wait 20 mins in the tropical British climate, then enter taxi number 2 from stage right!
Not quite the end to my interesting week (if you missed the story of the boy who likes his nan's tits, more fool you, where have you been?

Love the rainbow arount your head, does the cutest girl ever liike it....what else has a rainbow around it?....sorry I'm extra pervy today.......just was thinking of that old aura photography hoax and what meanings we could attach to the colors around the boys....hmmmmmmmmm, a whole new science has emerged due to the rainbow about your head ..
pixie the perv.