im still here just chilling, chilling hard. the show was SIIICK. there was gratuitous amounts of thrashing. i took it easy cause the last time i was in that bar i acted like a fucking dickhead but thats another story.
halloween is coming up and im fucking pumped. me and monroe got a pretty killer idea for a costume not as good as last year but im into it. (if she decides to go with it)
bikes finished finally....for now at least. its nice to not have the desire to want to pour more money into anymore. im finally happy with the way it is for once top to
now for some me.

im still here just chilling, chilling hard. the show was SIIICK. there was gratuitous amounts of thrashing. i took it easy cause the last time i was in that bar i acted like a fucking dickhead but thats another story.
halloween is coming up and im fucking pumped. me and monroe got a pretty killer idea for a costume not as good as last year but im into it. (if she decides to go with it)
bikes finished finally....for now at least. its nice to not have the desire to want to pour more money into anymore. im finally happy with the way it is for once top to
now for some me.

Haaaaappy birthday! 

happy burthdaayyy mister president!